Dear Cindy Anthony:

Remember Caylee???

Remember Caylee???

Dear Cindy Anthony:

With all due respect. Do you remember Caylee??? Do you remember that not only did her mother, your daughter, Casey hurt her? She hurt you! She hurt your family!! By far Caylee was the biggest victim here!!! Do you realize that? Somehow, I know that if you ever read this you would only hate me and get angry, but I can’t help that. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sorry for your ordeal with your daughter. I’m sorry that your whole world has been turned upside down. What is it going to take to get you to fight for Caylee? What is it going to take to get you to wake up and see what the rest of the world sees?? I understand that Casey is your daughter. I understand that you love your daughter. You should. Do you understand that girl shows no emotion to or for anyone, except for herself and her attorney. The only reason she is so taken with him at this point is because she knows her very life depends on it. If she didn’t need him she wouldn’t care about him. I saw her in this “lost video” laughing at you when you were sobbing and heart broken. Do you realize that??? You should have gotten Casey help a long time ago. Casey was already messed up before she got pregnant. Do you realize that?? As strong a person as you appear to be she puts you to your knees. You totally cowar to her. Do you realize that? Do you understand that the games you have played in the media and with the public has only incriminated Casey more? Do you realize that those very games only caused you much more grief?? Do you realize that the games you played with the public and LE only put your family more at risk, as you have put yourself and what’s left of your family at risk for being charged and prosecuted for additional crimes??? Do you realize that you have been willing to throw every good thing and person in your life away for the sake of Casey? You cannot continue to live in this world of guilt and denial and all the while hurting people that are truly there for you, especially when you are not really helping the one that you are sacrificing everyone and everything else for. Could have, would have, should have, hind sight is 20/20. This letter is not to attack you, in fact my hope is that it will wake you up, before it’s too late. You can’t bring Caylee back, but the people you’ve hurt will forgive you. You can’t change the past but you can change the course of your future. You can forgive Casey, but you cannot continue to enable her. Stop the abuse!!! Quit putting up with her attitude. She’s cost you alot, in more ways than one. Quit letting her do that! The greatest and best thing you can do for yourself and the rest of your family is lay Caylee to rest with respect and honor. She was an innocent victim and she did not deserve what she got! Get your family and yourself some couseling and come clean with LE to the best of your ability. Do it for Caylee. They have had so much mercy on you and your family and so much patience, what makes you think they will stop now? The Truth Will Set You FREE!!! Stop the circus. Do it for Caylee, and for the rest of your family. The kindest things you can do for others are the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. Think about it, if you read this.

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25 Responses to Dear Cindy Anthony:

  1. Hilde says:

    niecey, very well written, it shows the Compassion You have for People.
    I wish Cindy would read that.
    You didn’t write it mean spirited, You wrote it with Understanding and reached out with a helping Hand to Cindy
    to show her she has Options to make things right from here on in for her and her Family, especially for Caylee.
    Very good Post niecey 🙂

  2. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Hilde! I really wish she would some how read it. Don’t know how she would react if she did. One can only hope.

  3. topcat08 says:

    Great Blog Niecey!!!

  4. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Top Cat!

  5. citizenkim says:

    Very nice letter Niecey! I hope Cindy reads it– you should send it to her. Does anyone have her email? I would love to hear her reply.

  6. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Citizen Kim! I don’t have it, but if anyone does, leave a comment telling me you do and I’ll email you to get it.

  7. trensota says:

    Awww, Niecey, it’s no use hollering down to people in Hell that they ought to come up to Heaven for a breath of fresh air, they can’t hear you; that’s why it’s Hell…

  8. MAND says:

    I agree with Citizenkim Niecey.. I think Cindy should read this..maybe one of the Orlando news-papers would print it..what about the editorial page in one of the papers??

  9. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Mand! I’ll see what I can do. It’s worth a shot. Hope you are staying warm.

  10. MAND says:

    I think it’s worth a try Niecey..and I’m sure the readers would enjoy reading it.

    I’m warm because I don’t have to go outside…but there is a light at the end of the tunnel..we are going to have a heat wave by next Thur.35 balmy degrees!!!!!

  11. niecey456 says:

    Mand, I’ve got the Orlando Sentinel’s email address. I’m going to try it. I thought about trying to see if I could get it to Kathy Belich first. I know she can pass it on. If all else fails, I’ll try the Sentinel.
    Glad you are warm! Wow, are you planning a picnic for that warm weather. LOL We are supposed to get in the teens tonight. Brrrrrrrr

  12. MAND says:

    That’s a good idea Niecey..I know in our papers ..the Sunday one has a human interest story plus the opinion page..I think you have a great chance to get it in print.

    Hey Girl.. not only am I planning a picnic..I plan an early start on the tan!! Brrrrr is right..that’s a little on the cool side for your local..get out the electric blanket!!

  13. niecey456 says:

    I just sent an email to Kathi Belich asking if she could share it with Cindy.

    Well, enjoy that tan and picnic! My bird bath was iced this morning.

  14. MAND says:

    I hope you get a quick answer from her.
    Oh those poor birdies! We have had horrible stories of animals left out in this cold…I hate people that put dogs tied outside..what would you want a pet for if all you’re going to do is tie it up outside? My animals are a part of my family and I don’t tie them up outside…even tho sometimes I would like to!!!! Just them all to much for that.. it’s 1:30 am think I’ll try for sleep..til tomorrow ..Good Night Friend.

  15. niecey456 says:

    You know Mand, I agree with you about the animals. Maybe she’ll answer me soon. My animals run me ragged like kids!
    I’m going to get some sleep too. ttyl Good Night My Friend.

  16. knight owl says:

    Hi Niecey, that was so well thought out from the heart. I so hope it gets printed and somehow Cindy reads it. If anyone needs to wake up it is cindy and George too. In their heart of hearts they must know Casey killed their precious Caylee. If they will accept this truth then they can hopefully someday go on with their lives. If not they will be in darkness forever. There is a light at the tunnel if only they will follow it. My hat is off to you.

  17. nancy says:

    Go Niecey, Go girl!!! This is definitely conveying so many frustrations that many of us feel as well! I really hope Cindy Anthony gets to read this. My prayer is she will not only see the words but the heart in the words so that the eyes of her heart will finally SEE.

  18. shelly021105 says:

    if I could write to cindy and actually have her read it what you said is exactly what i would say “thanks you”

    If they would have wuit enabling her then I know people wouldnt have been throwing rocks at there house and causing them so much grief. in the beginning we all where supportive of her family. It’s there fault we are angry and upset. people tend to get mad when strangers care more about a missing child then there own family. they focused all there energy to save Casey not Caylee and for that it proves that Caylee was alone and that breaks my heart

  19. nana65 says:

    Another good blog Niecy. I love to read what you write. The things you write is what most of us feel.Maybe you could write a book.

  20. marchionne says:

    Great post Niecey you got everythin just right. I hope Cindy gets to read it and opens up her eyes to her daughter and her bullying.

  21. niecey456 says:

    Thank you Knight Owl! It did come from my heart. I truly hope that Cindy will read it and understand that it is not an attack, but an appeal to her heart.
    Thanks Nancy, I’ll be praying that with you.
    Shelly, thanks to you as well and I believe you are right, they do need to quit enabling her. Caylee is not alone anymore. She’s in the arms of Jesus, and she’s always smiling.
    Thanks Nana! I’ve always wanted to do that. I might try my hand at that some time.
    Marchionne, thanks and I hope she does open her eyes.

  22. moda says:

    Maybe… just maybe Cindy is still using the email addy on this page:

    Click to access 18155446.pdf

  23. Diana says:

    George’s email is Just sayin’ 🙂

  24. gloria h says:


  25. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Moda. I’ll check it out. Thank you Diana!
    Thank you Gloria. I hope so.

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