Justice & Truth……….Politics & Law

I’ve thought a lot about all the controversy with the Andrea Lyon Lecture Tapes. I read Richard Hornsby’s blog and I’ve heard Bill Sheaffer’s analysis of those tapes. I’ve pondered it and prayed about it and I can tell you that I have some BIG PROBLEMS with all of this. I wasn’t going to post on these issues any further, but there is so much I have to say about it, that I have to. While I respect  both attorneys, this really wasn’t necessary.

Now I’ve tried to be respectful in my point of view on this and remain level-headed. I tried to find TRUTH in all of it. I must say that was quite a challenge. With all of the circus surrounding it all, it was very hard. Everyone cannot be right in this one. I find it very alarming that we have 2 attorneys at odds over this issue, and yet it wasn’t even really necessary. Now I would like to point out that 1 of those attorneys had something to say about it in his defense and that’s all that was said by him. The other kept it going for many days. While I do understand that WFTV took those tapes and the article down, problem is, they shouldn’t have had to. This leads me to my first point.

If a person gives a lecture or a speech, be it in a law school or any school, it is public, not private. Okay, it was a Death Penalty Seminar given at a hotel, but it was still for educational purposes. It’s public speaking. There should be no expectation of privacy. What if a text-book from an elementary level was questioned in the media? If you are not a student issued the book, you have to buy it. Well, that would mean the media outlet bought the book to do the story? Correct? How about a college book? Usually if a media outlet does a story about content of a text-book, they acquire the text-book to do the story. This is exactly how this seminar got out there. Someone that purchased it, (and I don’t care who) made it available for the story. While it was not a text-book, it was still teaching material. There should be no expectation of privacy.

Actually they are not private, as you note in the link for this year’s seminar that 6 to 8 weeks after the seminar there was a video stream available for the course. You had to pay to be present at the seminar and pay for the video stream(you could have done either or, of course), but you also had the option to download the book. Of course this all had to be paid for. I have to say that once students or attorneys did so, then the info was out there and could have at any time been made public. It’s public speaking. There should have been no expectation of privacy. See there is a price for NON MEMBERS. I might note here that NON MEMBERS would still be attorneys or law students, I’m sure, but their spouses, family, friends could have had access to that info once they had it. I would say that would make it public. Andrea Lyon was speaking again this year, so I’m thinking that explains a lot. Here’s the HTML version of the brochure:


Here was the reasoning behind pulling the lecture:


It was primarily because they thought it would discourage future speakers from coming and speaking. Maybe, and this is just a suggestion of course, they need to think about what is being said. I found what I heard to be very distasteful, and very unprofessional in my personal opinion. This leads me to my second point.

Maybe this being made public was actually a good thing. Maybe the public needs to know what’s going on in our legal system, and if our legal system wants to hide it from the public, maybe the legal system needs to clean house. Somehow I think our Founding Fathers didn’t intend a legal system that only cares about the unjust and the high-profile. Would any of these attorneys ever represent an innocent person accused of a crime, if their case were not high-profile and they couldn’t afford to pay them? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! That person would have to have a public defender. This is not about JUSTICE & TRUTH. THIS IS ABOUT WINNING & MONEY, FAME & FORTUNE. These people don’t care about right and wrong. They don’t care about the innocent. I thought I would hit the floor when I heard what was said about victim’s right’s advocates. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

What’s wrong with this picture? Our Founding Fathers intended for us to be a civilized nation, and what I heard in that lecture was not civilized. They intended for us to be a nation of Freedom, but also a nation that is TRUE & JUST. In order for most to remain free, there has to be a system of laws. The laws were never to infringe upon our Government being BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND OF THE PEOPLE. In short our Government was supposed to answer to the boss and the boss was supposed to be the tax paying, law-abiding, voting citizens. Of course God is the supreme Boss, and our Founding Fathers knew that and greatly endorsed that fact. The Separation of Church and State was not in the Constitution. It was in a private letter from Thomas Jefferson and he was referring to our Government not telling us how to worship and what to believe. He was referring to the Church of England that said you had to worship the way they demanded, and that was the only choice, and it was Government controlled. Of course that’s just one more thing lawyers have lied about. We were never intended to be what we’ve become. The lawyers that run this country now would love to take away all of your freedoms so they can have complete control, absolute power. Most of our politicians are lawyers. While Congress has always had a larger percentage of lawyers, the ideology has changed. Lawyers today do not represent what they once did. This is not what was intended. This is exactly what our Founding Fathers fought against. Something has gone tragically wrong in our law schools. I think we needed to see that, or should I say hear a sample of it.

There was a time that a person’s word was their reputation. Now a days there are way too many people who wouldn’t acknowledge TRUTH, if it were standing in front of them and lawyers are the worst, politicians, and lawyers, same thing. Most politicians are lawyers. And they want control of your health care? Let’s be honest they want control of everything. How many law firms do you see advertised on your tv everyday? I see several. Most of them trying to get you to call them to file bankruptcy so you can be excused from paying your bills(there is something in it for them somewhere, bet on it), and if they are not doing that, they are encouraging you to sue somebody(they get large percentages for that). I think they are part of what’s wrong with the health care system and all of it.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some good and moral lawyers out there. But, by and large, we are a sue happy society because of lawyers. While there are many good lawyers, there are waaaaayyyyy too many that are all about their wallets and their reputation. They sing these bleeding heart songs about reformation of the vilest in society, but they could care less about innocent people suffering. I would say that’s hypocritical. If you care for others, you care for others, but if you only care about a name for yourself and being rich, then make sure you represent the vilest of the rich or the vilest of the high-profile, or that you encourage lawsuits for the stupidest of reasons. Take charge, take control. That’s not what it was supposed to be about. It was never intended to be this way.

I have never seen one of these types of attorneys represent a good honest person, who either made a terrible mistake, or really didn’t do anything wrong, because they can’t afford to pay them. Most good and honest people are middle class. They are the working class. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good rich people, but people are not good because they are rich.

So here’s the bottom line……………………… The reason those seminar recordings were removed was because the public didn’t pay for them. The Non Members that attend these things pay about $100 more than members of the FACDL, and that would be because the members pay dues? That’s a perk of paying the dues. It’s all about the money!

An immoral choice for it to be aired? NO! It was a moral choice. We the People need to know why these people believe what they believe. It should not have been taken down. I remember Alton Logan. I have never heard the speaker in that seminar say anything in support of a victim, but instead she makes victims out of perpetrators.  That’s my opinion of everything she’s put out there. I have yet to see where that woman cared about someone’s tragedy, unless they created it. Did she care about trashing Roy Kronk with those manufactured ex wives club videos that the defense released to the public? Nope, but it’s highly unfair for you to hear her teach what she really believes, especially since it’s completely repulsive. Besides you didn’t pay for it and she doesn’t want her image destroyed by her own words, as the public has got sense enough to spot dirty when they see and hear it.

Now with all my rants about attorneys here, I would like for you to understand that the 2 attorneys that had issue are not being implicated in this, but the ones who fought to suppress this from the public are. As I stated there are good attorneys that do good things, but by and large we have a problem with attorneys in this country, and they are not the good ones. I counted 5 different law firms advertising for suing, disability claims, you name it, in one hour of early morning news this morning. See there is a philosophy and it’s a very dangerous one. There is a movement to make it where everyone is supported by the Government in one form or fashion and needs an attorney to even make that happen. Once they support you, you owe them, then they have control. That’s how they keep getting re-elected, as they have such a large base that falls into that category. The hardworking are punished with higher taxes. They have made everything so expensive, that they have more and more looking for their assistance and support. You have to be afraid to let the neighbor’s kids come play with your kids, as if they get hurt they can sue you. Freedom? Justice?

The TRUTH is this is all wrong. It’s backwards and greedy. Maybe it’s time to get back to TRUTH. Maybe it’s time for real JUSTICE. The laws in our society are so complicated because they are purposely created for the public to not understand, by lawyers. They are purposely created to make us need lawyers for everything. What an agenda! Law makers are not what they used to be, no doubt. Lawyers are killing our society and they are laughing all the way to the bank. How about let’s get back to not needing lawyers for anything but crimes? How about let’s get back to the Constitution in its original state. If you remove the damage the lawyers do from health care alone, the costs would significantly drop. If you remove the damage that lawyers do from our financial system, we’d be on top once again. We might even be able to afford to live, as taxes would drop dramatically. If we rewarded hard work, instead of penalizing it, we wouldn’t have so many on the Government rolls. The sense of entitlement might drop dramatically. If you quit putting killers and rapists back out on the street for the purpose of your name and claim to fame, we might be safer. Especially since the criminally minded would get that if you do the crime you do the time. How about all lawyers doing an about-face and lets change this mess? Is this too much to ask? Justice? Truth?

If Casey is really innocent as her defense team has ranted, then quit milking this for all it’s worth and cough up the evidence to the court, but only if it’s TRUE. This is not a football game, or a run for political office.

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92 Responses to Justice & Truth……….Politics & Law

  1. mikka says:

    hi niecey,nice to see ya! 🙂

    and i agree,bozo start with politics,he say cma was only aresstet,does lamar can win his election! thats b.s!then when we see it like this,all murder must run free,because politic never fits!

  2. niecey456 says:

    Hey Mikka! Nice to see you too!

    Excellent points! I think we completely agree here. I personally wish we could lose the politics myself. 😉

  3. arttart says:

    niecey456, outstanding opinion & I agree 100%. On RH’s blog this morning, he seemed to admit that he was immature in his attack on another analyst.

    While WFTV has pulled A Lyon’s audios, they are now available for the world to listen on youtube. You are right, our words are “who we are.” It is about the money, A Lyon’s was paid for the speech, the promotor was paid for facillating the event. Her speech disturbed me on many levels.

    The games played at RK’s expense, imo, are shameful. It’s not about who you can BLAME, it’s about what you can “prove.” This DEFENSE, imo, should have begged for a PLEA over a year ago instead of grandstanding & profiting at Caylee’s expense. JUSTICE & TRUTH will prevail for Caylee. jmo.

  4. Spacely says:

    Or another example would be a text book checked out from a local library… the community paid for the book, but since it is not really the reader’s, perhaps it is unethical to check out library books.

    I do doubt that the entire speech should have been aired on the TV website, but excerpts are certainly acceptable.

    A very similar case could be made for Sarah Palin. Her book is currently a best-seller as she wends her way across the country on her tour. For the past couple of weeks, discussion about her and passages of the book dominated the news channels. Many uncomplimentary things were said about her. Do you think this truly bothers her? To the point she asks the media to stop reading excerpts from her book? Of course not. Why would she kill such wonderful free advertising? She knows why her book hit the charts before it was even published. The media focus sells her book and keeps her in the spotlight, which is exactly where she wants to be right now.

    So the question becomes, now that such a large number of people got a taste of Andrea and her presentation style, wouldn’t that increase the sales of her lectures (perhaps not this one since all the good stuff was given out for free, but she must have others)?

    Or is it that advertising to the masses is bad if you are a nasty, unlikeable, petty, viscious, vindictive kind of person? Nah, can’t be cause that is what all news channels other than Fox say about Palin and her book is doing great.

    If you are concerned about healthcare, you will love this article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703399204574505423751140690.html

  5. niecey456 says:

    Hey Art Tart! Thank you very much!
    I saw that, and I have to agree.

    Yes I saw that youtube had it. What was said really disturbed me as well. It’s a pity that it is about the money. I think a lot better things could have been said. But alas I think she was expressing how she really feels in that one. A scary thought.

    I think you expressed the matter of RK very well. It is not supposed to be about who you can blame, but what you can prove. I do agree they should have tried to plea this out a long time ago. I think they should have done that before Caylee’s remains were found. It’s sad that we can see the game, and they think we can’t. It’s really sad that this for the defense is not even really about Casey, but what they stand to gain. That’s why they have tried this in the court of public opinion. I think that is so sad, and yet so despicable. I completely agree that JUSTICE & TRUTH will prevail.

  6. Kim says:

    niecey – I couldn’t agree more with everything you have written here. It is very well written and passionately stated. Thank you for taking what I have been thinking and articulating it.

    We need to bring about change and like minded people need to make that happen.

    Please, keep up the good work.

    Well said

  7. arttart says:

    Spacely, you make a lot of good points a great analogy with Sarah Palin, thanks for the link.

  8. niecey456 says:

    Hey Spacely! Good point about library books. I do think we agree on one very important fact in that matter and it is plain and simply……………………If you don’t want it out there, don’t say it or write it. Once you do, it’s out there. I do agree with the similarities to Sarah Palin’s book, and it has gotten her a lot of attention. I do think we can agree that it is the nature of what she said that was the problem. Although, as I said maybe we needed to hear it.
    Thank you so much for the link! Government control at it’s finest. Want to talk about unconstitutional? I can almost hear our Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves.

    Hey Kim! Thank you so much! I spent a lot of time on this one. I feel just as you do that we need some real “CHANGE” and I hope that people are waking up to that fact. Things shouldn’t be happening this way. Not in this case, our legal system, or our Government.

    Again thank you and I promise I will continue to take it to heart, this one came right from my heart.

  9. Spacely says:

    Niecey, I totally agree that if a person doesn’t want their nasty statements to reflect on their sterling silver character, then they should not reveal their nasty thoughts to anyone.

    The only problem I have with the TV station posting the entire speech in full is the balance that must be struck between copyright protection (designed so that the artist can earn based on what the publisher/distributor earns) and free dissemenation of knowledge.

    My belief is that copyright as we know it is about to dissappear because of the ease of technologically distributing content. Although, in many ways, we destroyed copyright when Franklin founded the first library two hundred years ago.

    The entire situation reminds me of the news anchor who always broadcast wearing no pants. He was always seated at a desk, so no one was the wiser. A false communication one day about being off-air, he stands up, and the secret is out no matter how many pairs of pants he wears the next day.

    You can’t make an omlette without breaking a few eggs, but you can’t make a Faberge Egg out of an omlette, either.

    The bottom line is Lyons has egg on her face… and I don’t know which one of you toilet papered her car… Ostella… … …

  10. niecey456 says:

    I understand what you are saying about Copyright infringement. I think the fine line on this one, was that it was not taken out of context or represented as being someone else’s words. It was represented as being what it was. I can see that if the public didn’t pay for it, they wouldn’t want it out there, but apparently whomever provided it did. At any rate, we do agree about the end result, and I promise I didn’t have anything to do with toilet papering! 😆 Ostella??? 😆

  11. Kim says:

    wasn’t me – toilet paper is expensive….

  12. niecey456 says:

    It is Kim! 😆

  13. ostella says:

    Ya got me. That’s just how I roll.

    BA DUM BUM! 😆

    And when I was done with that, I left a flaming bag of dog poo on her doorstep.

  14. niecey456 says:

    😆 Ossssstttttttteeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaa! 😆

  15. BEES KNEES says:

    Niecey, I really appreciate the amount of thought you put into this, another first class piece. I don’t know, nor do I care, who released the speech in the first place. I understand that I probably should, but truthfully I don’t. I am just grateful to have heard it.

    What do you think about the theory that Lyon was either okay with the release, or maybe even behind the release? To be used as one more reason why Casey can’t get a fair trial, or to be used as a reason to untangle herself from the losing case (like rats fleeing from a sinking ship)?

  16. niecey456 says:

    Hey Bees! Thank you my friend! 🙂 I don’t either. I’m with you on that one!

    I hadn’t heard that theory. The one that I’ve heard was that she could have been behind the outrage of it’s release, and the removal of it, but it’s a theory, and not sure how true it is. I don’t think she wanted that heard, and I don’t think it would have helped her public persona if she lost the case. If anything I think it made her less believable, and less credible. That of course is JMO.

  17. September says:

    Neicey please run for office. You are what we need in the state house or for sure Washington. What a wonderful article…..girl you are awesome.

    Bees I’d bet money that she didn’t want this released. Her contempt for juries and the system was so out there. No that was an insider talking to her peers who totally agree with her values or lack there of.

    The fact they fought so hard to suppress the tape tells you they know how unpopular their win at all cost philosophy would be with the public. They were upset because they were unmasked……and we could see them for what they are.

    I am so disapointed that the station backed down like wimps. Afraid of litigation. Which just proves Nicey’s point about how the lawyers have cost this country not only financially but they have successful curtailed freedom of the press. You can bet we’re next

  18. niecey456 says:

    Hey September! Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I may consider that once I get these last 2 kids raised. 🙂

    I completely agree with you about her not wanting it released, and about her speaking to insiders that would agree. The public by and large would not. I think we needed that bit of eye opening info.

    I’m disappointed that they backed down as well. The lawyers have done exactly that and you can bet they will try and find a way to silence us. I hope America wakes up!

  19. September says:

    Nicey, I don’t know if this makes any difference to you, but do you count hits on your site or do you just count comments. I love your blog and want to see it grow. So my question should I say hi everytime I log on or do you have a way to catch lurkers?

    Thanks for the snowflakes…….I feel the urge to sing Frosty the Snowman!

  20. Kim says:

    I will vote for Niecey

  21. BEES KNEES says:

    No, I agree with you on that, Niecey! That was why I couldn’t really entertain either of those theories. If I’m wrong and she released it I’d say her plan blew up right in her face. Now everyone knows the real Andrea Lyon. And we no likey! That’s important.

  22. BEES KNEES says:

    Maybe one day Ostella will write us a funny story about this terrible speech.

  23. niecey456 says:

    September, I don’t really count the amount of comments, or hits, it’s more the response in the comments that tell me if it was a good post or not. Also the referrers I get, tell me whether or not it was a good one. When people give the link to it, I can tell, and I sometimes I go look. It gives me a better picture of how the response is to it. We all look at numbers to a degree, but sometimes my favorite posts are not necessarily the most popular. Your response counts most. When you all tell me what you think. Many times also the conversation that is sparked makes a big difference too. You may not realize it but what all of you say counts too. Sometimes when we get a really great conversation going it draws others as well. People talk. I’ve been very Blessed to have some very intelligent & compassionate people posting here and it makes for very good conversation.
    You are welcome for the snowflakes, I couldn’t wait until wordpress offered them this year. They are so festive. 🙂

    Thanks Kim! I promise to let you all know if I ever decide to run. 🙂

  24. niecey456 says:

    No we no likey Bees. 😆 That would be a backfire if she did that, but she doesn’t seem the type. I somehow don’t think she takes kindly to criticism.

    I would love for Ostella to write us a funny story on that one. Ostella? A parody???

  25. Hi ya Niecey! Great post! I am unsure about the release of the audio of Lyon. I think it gave the people an outlook on what she really is about! Jurors are not “killers”, they are law abiding citizens. Not just any one can walk in and be on a jury, and if the death penalty is on the table, there is apparently a reason for it!
    I am so sick of these people and parents going out and killing children. I am to the point that if they kill a child, that is the death penalty for that child. They need the same to happen to them. The victims/children have no rights, no choice in the matter. I think anyone found guilty of raping, molesting or killing a child needs automatic death penalty. Something needs to be done, there are attorney’s out there like Lyons either getting these killers/child violators a plea deal or getting them off.
    Maybe Lyons needs to be stopped! 😉

  26. PS, it is snowing on your page! Cold in here! 🙂

  27. Helen says:

    An excellent piece…thank you.

    Too many people seem to lack any kind of moral compass…and some are even proud of it.

    Many( but not all) lawyers among them. I was horrified by the Lyons tapes.

    One disagreement only…the First Amendment, written by the Founders, provides for separation of Church and State.

    Our founders had the example of Massachusetts in front of them…a religious state run so amok that the other colonies watched in horror. ( Women branded and burned, etc).

    In my opinion, it was very wise.

  28. ostella says:

    Picture it: Career Day in the gymnasium of the local high school. A red velvet curtain separates the audience/students from the ‘Defense Attorney’ Exhibit in the back corner. The lights dim. Wagner’s “Flight of the Valkyries” suddenly booms on the sound system. Spotlight up, curtains open, and The Lyon comes swinging in on a bungee harness, dressed in an authentic catsuit from “Cats! The Broadway Musical.” She hisssssssssses in scrrrrrratches as she swings in midair, then lands on a pile of treasure before the awestruck students.
    “Bring me your Selfish, Your Entitled, your Money grubbers! Young, moldable sociopaths with no regard for the safety of society! Come! Gather ’round, children! I have great prizes for you!!!!” shouts The Lyon. Certain members of the school’s chess club and debate team run straight to the front row, eagerly awaiting her instructions.

    To be continued…

  29. Ideas says:

    The defense team…and justice and truth….are strangers.

  30. ostella says:

    The student council squeezed in with the debaters and chess nuts in the front row, and they all stared at the mighty bungeeing cat with both fear and respect. And of course they were mesmerized by the sparkly treasure chest beneath her. “Treasure….” they chanted, “…must have treasure…..”

    “Well, I’ll tell ya the first step. Ya gotta learn to sing a deep, soulful song while crying. And don’t be afraid to ham it up.” Then close personal friend LKB clicked the slide machine they had setup in the bleachers, and a projection of Charles Manson appeared on the wall behind The Lyon. The audience oohed. And in her deep, throaty voice, the cat sang a rousing version of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Manson.”

  31. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hiya my l♥velies 😆

    Niecey…thanks for the really well written article…I don’t think Lyon wanted this released in its entirety. About 8 months ago she put a “soft version” of this on her website.

    I realize she is dedicated to removing the death penalty…I asked a few weeks ago if anyone thinks she will represent KSM & his cohorts when they are sentenced to die? This would prove her true convictions.

    Spacely thanks for the link…I hope everyone took the time to read it and then emailed their respective congressman/woman. Govt run healthcare DOESN’T WORK…trust me…we have had it for decades.

    Ostella…thanks for the laughs…heaven knows we need some levity at the moment.

    September I’m sooooo glad you mentioned the snowflakes…I was worried that I had spots in front of my eyes :mrgreen:

    Niecey I hope you do persue a career in politics…your logic and attention to detail would be a great asset.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  32. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Our legal experts have differing views on the new motions..


  33. Jill from Western Australia says:

    The one above is Bill Shaeffer…

    This is Richard Hornsby’s view…


    Hugs ♥♥♥

  34. Jill from Western Australia says:

    12/02/2009 Notice of Unavailability
    from Attorney Linda Drane Burdick

    This was posted on InSessions from the Clerk of Courts.

    I do hope this doesn’t mean the Dec 11th hearing will be postponed 😥

  35. niecey456 says:

    Hey Humble! Thanks! I’m actually glad we got to hear it and think we needed to. What she said about jurors was wrong. I’m sick of it too, and if we allow there to not be harsh enough punishment it will not stop. Children are innocent and defenseless, and they should not be abused, and murdered just because someone didn’t want them or they are easy pickings. If people don’t want children, then they shouldn’t have sex. It’s a 100% effective. And if they feel the need to pick on someone, well lets put them in a prison with some big guys and let them pick on them, attitude changed. People like Lyon that enable it should be stopped. These things continue to happen because we are not being tough enough.

    I’m sorry you are cold, I will turn up the heat. 🙂

  36. niecey456 says:

    Hey Helen! Welcome!!! Thank you and your welcome. I agree about the lack of moral compass, and I can’t understand their pride in that outlook, but you are right many are like that. I was horrified by the Lyon tapes too.
    As far as the First Amendment, it is actually not worded as such. The First Amendment:

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    That means they can’t control it, not that they cannot participate. The actual Separation of Church and State came from this:


    It’s perfectly okay for prayer in Government, or schools, where that was concerned, they just cannot control one’s religion or have a Government religion that is required. They can’t interfere in the Faith.

    That is misinterpreted by lawyers.

  37. niecey456 says:

    Hey Ostella! LOL!!! 😆

    Hey Ideas! I do agree completely.

    Ostella, 😆 , I think you painted a very accurate picture! 😆 I hear her arguments are largely based on Charlie’s arguments too. 😆

    Hey Jill! You’re welcome, Thank you. I do agree about the Lyon, as I’m thinking that she had a fit about it. I don’t think she wanted the public to understand her dirty tactics that go along with her dirty attitude.
    I do understand that’s what she does too, but she could use honest tactics and honest arguments instead of juvenile behavior and spoiled brat tactics. I’m doubting she will step up on another case. It’s really only about what she decides to take on, and she’s not worried about the rest of them, that’s why she gives those seminars, so it’s their counsel’s job.
    Thank you, I promise if I decide to I will let you all know first. 😉

    Thanks for the WJS’s take!
    RH is in rare form! I’ve never seen him pick on Cindy.

    I hope it’s not postponed either, but LDB is our gal for the job, unless she has a substitute that day? Don’t know.

  38. September says:

    You know Nicey I am deadly serious about you running for office. We need people with commonsense and real lives in our legislatures. I think that’s why Sara Palin is so effective….she comes across as a real person. So get those kids raised. I’ll stuff envelopes and man the phones.
    Again, thanks for this wonderful blog and to all the great members happy holidays.

  39. ostella says:

    Some classic Bugs Bunny hijinx for to laugh:


    Bugs HEARTS Fuddy-duddy. 😆

  40. ostella says:

    Oopsy Daisy!!! That was the spanish version!! 😳 lemme find the english version of Rabbit of Seville!!! HAHAHA! I crack myself up!!! 😆

  41. ostella says:

    Ok, let’s try this one:
    Hopefully it works. If not, then oh well….. 😆

  42. Spacely says:

    Found a short article for the healthcare concerned to peruse:


    I find it most interesting that while legislating what the Democrats describe as bringing healthcare coverage to everyone in the country, the very first thing they vote on is Medicare cuts…

    I fail to see how cutting benefits to seniors is ensuring a better tomorrow as each and every day, I and everyone I know grows one day closer to being a senior themselves.

    Perhaps we should just get it over with and jump right to the “Logan’s Run” healthcare system – everyone over 30 is put to death so that there are more resources for everyone. And it’s about a 98% cut to Medicare expenses…

  43. niecey456 says:

    September, I promise that I will let you know and you have the job! 😉 I do agree that is why Sarah Palin is so effective, common sense and she’s real, honest and real. You are right we do need more of that. Happy Holidays to you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🙂

    Ostella, 😆 .

    Hey Spacely! What a shame! They can’t see the forest for the trees. Let me see………………….. Pelosi and Reid and the old timers in Congress should be put out to pasture before anyone else, as they must lead. Ya think? Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t count for them, they are somehow, privileged. Right? NOT!!! I truly hope WE THE PEOPLE CLEAN HOUSE IN CONGRESS NEXT YEAR! AND ALL THE DAMAGE THEY DO CAN BE UNDONE! I think it’s time for a “CHANGE” !

  44. Spacely says:

    Interview with Halieigh’s great-grandmother – she rarely speaks to the press:


  45. BEES KNEES says:

    Ostella!! HA HA HA! I knew you had it in you. Why is it so easy for me to picture Lyon in a catsuit?

  46. NoseyRosey says:

    I just found your site for the first time- I feel I have really missed out. I enjoyed reading your POV (I agree) and must say the pictures of the precious Children who once suffered (but no longer will) really tugged at my heart. Thank you- you do what I wish I had the skills and courage to do. God Bless.

  47. niecey456 says:

    Spacely, Thanks for sharing. I had read not long ago that they were pressuring Misty’s family to get at the truth and that was rumored to be why they were arresting them over all of these things, of course I don’t think Misty will break. I think it was all played wrong and if they really wanted Misty they could have even arrested her for buying drugs recently, they just keep giving the girl passes and Ron married her to start with which made no sense. I’m really doubting at this point if they will ever get at the truth and IMO, they are all to blame for that. That whole thing should have been handled differently. I hate to say it, but I’ve believed for quite some time that Haleigh died the night she left that house. Jail doesn’t seem to scare those people either. How tragic for Haleigh, because her family according to LE never cooperated. Ron even had Misty’s back, so I just don’t feel sorry for them. I hate to say that, but it’s how I feel.

  48. niecey456 says:

    Hey Nosey Rosey! Welcome!!! Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate that. God Bless You.

  49. September says:

    Welcome Nosey Rosey! You will love this site. Looking forward to your input.

  50. azrenee says:

    Awesome post as usual. Lately the news makes it clear we need a shift in priorities in this country. Most of us working hard day to day, trying to keep our little corners of the world clean, but when Tigers possible domestic worries ( not my business, sick of hearing about it), or the Anthonys quit work to cruise, go on national tv etc, never even visiting their daughter for over a year, and the recent problems with a president, congressmen, etc all needing extra-marital comfort….its all sickening. It becomes easy to accept all this disgusting behavior because we allow celebs and politicians and sports figures to cheat, beat up on each other, even the Kate and John debacle is nauseating. Octomom …someone we can all aspire to, giving birth to a litter…my cats do that big deal. Sorry for the rant, just amazing, we should hold everyone to the same standards of behavior we do our friends and neighbors. Honesty and decency. Too much to ask???

  51. Hadley says:

    Great post! The thought that immediately came to my mind after reading it was:” Too much power to the wrong people is a dangeroud thing.”

    We’ve seen wht happens with the Hitlers, Sadams, and Bin Ladins of the world…I just pray that God will continue to Bless and Protect America.

    (Hope u run for office…u have my vote!)

    Azranee: Loved everything u said, and agree 100%!

  52. Ideas says:

    Azranee: Yes, too much to ask.

  53. BEES KNEES says:

    Hi NoseyRosey. I like your user name. You picked a great blog to read and comment on.

  54. niecey456 says:

    Hey Azrenee! Thanks! Yes we do. We desperately need a shift in our country. I’m sick of Tiger’s issues as well, and we have put way too much stock in celebs and their lives. I say they put their pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else and they are people, not always the best behaved, in fact we reward bad behavior with celebrity status(like the A’s, Octomom, and John and Kate). You are exactly right that we have become accepting of their bad behavior and we are rewarding it, with giving them the attention. We need to hold them to the same standards as we hold ourselves, our neighbors and families. You are so right about that! I don’t think it’s too much to ask, I just pray that we can get back to accountability and stop the madness.

    Hey Hadley! Thank you! Yes it is a dangerous thing for the wrong people to have too much power. Those are some very good examples, and they were all very well liked by their people, until they got the power they craved, then they changed into monsters. Thanks! I’ll let you know if I decide to.

    Hey Ideas! Lord, I hope not. What a shame.

  55. Hadley says:

    Just had to throw this in here!lol “Atty.” Gloria Allred just got the bimbo $lut that Tiger woods was having sex with, a
    $1,000,000 NOT to have a news conference! I’m sure the others will follow suit. I find this shameful. I have never like Allred, and do even less now!

    I wish every law student in America could read your great article. I am so proud of you, and hope that one day you will get involved with politics. America needs you Niecey!

  56. WooBabie says:

    AzRenee, that is far too much ask.

    What a boring world it would be if everyone was nice and got along and nothing bad ever happened to anyone and everyone was honest.

    The media gives us what we want, no matter what they have to do to give it to us. If Casey hadn’t murdered Caylee, we probably would have never known who Andrea Lyons was and would not have cared what she said in her seminars.

    Octomom would have still have 20 babies whether it was reported or not, and her children’s suffering would have happened either way, at least this way there is money to feed and clothe them.

    We love to see celebrities faulter, to show that they aren’t so great, they are in fact human like us, and they suffer like us and put their pants on one leg at a time, like us.

    Not all lawyers are bad. I work at an agency that has a legal department of lawyers that help children in family law cases. They get paid shit wages and remain with us because they are dedicated and find their work rewarding to the heart.

  57. WooBabie says:

    Of course they are women though. Hah. *ducks for cover*

  58. niecey456 says:

    Hey Hadley! Amazing………………… Have they no shame? NOPE!
    Thank you very much. I promise I will consider it, once I get these kids raised, but until then I will do my best to share the TRUTH, in hopes it will make a difference.

    Hey WB! It’s a shame that’s so. I don’t think it would be boring as we’d still all be different, and I think we would still all be individual. We don’t have a perfect world, but we can all take the time to know the truth and practice it, while there would still be some bad guys, there would be less as the truth would out weigh the politics. I do believe God can turn bad things around for the good, if we let HIM. Like through tragedy we can learn things to make ourselves a better society. We can also learn things that can cause us to save other children.
    Yes their are good attorneys, and I did point that out. Some actually are part of the solution and not the problem. Good women and men alike. (no need to duck, LOL! there are some good guys too) 🙂

  59. BEES KNEES says:

    Humble Opinion has a great little calendar of upcoming events on the case:


  60. niecey456 says:

    Hey Bees! Thanks for sharing!! I had to go over and take a look and give Humble a big thanks for that! What a great idea!

  61. Spacely says:


    Here is another beautiful article for your healthcare reform collection:


    My fav part is the angry reply of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid – “feel good amendment that typifies the Republican Party’s utter lack of ideas when it comes to health care reform.”

    Sounds like sour grapes over getting caught…

  62. niecey456 says:

    Hey Spacely! I LOVE IT!!! That is so funny and so true. Good for the Republicans and Democrats that believe that they should be like everyone else. I’m really surprised Frankin is on board, but I’m not complaining. I think it’s funny. The Congress doesn’t even pay into the Social Security they so frequently rob.

  63. Spacely says:

    The whole Franken thing is a joke. If you really look at his statement, he is basically saying that if the law requires him to switch to the public option, then he and his wife have agreed to do so… which will soon be followed by additional statements that he and his wife have agreed to obey posted speed limits… and pay their taxes… abide by zoning laws… purchase car insurance… refrain from shoplifting… etc… etc…

  64. Spacely says:

    Now Reid says that if you don’t support healthcare reform, you are a slaver:


    I find it mind-boggling that the dems made such a stink about people comparing their party to Nazis by attempting to socialize our country, especially with this health legislation, yet it is totally OK for the most powerful democrat in congress to call republicans slavers – or if you read between the lines – racists.

    I especially like the history lesson – the dems were in favor of slavery in the day…

  65. niecey456 says:

    LOL! Good Point!!! 😆 I’m not sure what the people that elected him were thinking. 😆

  66. niecey456 says:

    Just read the Reid thing! 😆 That is so ridiculous! 😆 Governor George Wallace of Alabama tried to block blacks from entering a school in Alabama, as he was against segregation, he was, You guessed it, A DEMOCRAT! Bill Clinton belongs to an all white country club, or at least he did when he was in office. Seems Mr. Reid needs to do his history homework before shooting off his mouth. He just made himself look like a spiteful idiot. I think he’s squirming. Let’s hope they keep him squirming until he gets voted out of office next year. :mrgreen:

  67. BEES KNEES says:

    Does anyone have any predictions about this coming Friday? These (I believe) are the motions they will deal with:

    1. Asking OC jail to destroy videos of family visits

    2. To preclude the DP procedures

    3. Asking OC jail to not videotape Baez’s visits

    4. Violation of double jeopardy clause

    I’m hoping the Judge will rule on all four. It’s always anticlimactic when he puts it off.

    Wasn’t it funny when Baez said the videotapes made Casey look ugly??? He got it backwards ~ it is Casey who makes the videotapes look ugly. She does that all by herself. But of course Baez is simply picking up where Cindy left off ~ it is never Casey’s fault for anything. She is always the victim. Poor poor little Casey.

  68. niecey456 says:

    Bees, I’m going to try and put a post together this evening that will give some good insight into the whole video/Anthonys testifying thing. I took a trip down memory lane recently and well, I’m not sure if Baez realizes in context how stupid this looks. At any rate, I do think the Judge will rule on all of the motions. I can’t say for sure of course, but I do believe he will. I do agree that Casey makes the videos look ugly. As a matter of fact I think Casey makes Casey look ugly.

  69. Spacely says:

    My prediction would be that all 4 motions will be denied.

    1) All inmate family visits are taped. Although the tapes might be barred from evidence, they will not be destroyed. Even if they are barred, not a loss, as there is nothing in those videos that actually sheds any light on the case as she continued to lie throughout. Don’t need those vids to establish her as a liar as just about every other piece of evidence also does that.

    2) DP procedures will not be dropped. There is a massive amount of red tape to even declare you are seeking the DP. Every defense atty tries this motion. Denied virtually everytime.

    3) All inmate – atty visits are taped at the jail as a matter of security protocol. That will not be changed for one inmate. Although it really makes no difference. There is nothing on those tapes that actually pertains to the case. They are video only. To my knowledge, no one in the public has seen those vids (unless I am really missing something). I don’t believe they will ever be entered into evidence as they prove nothing. The only possible reason to stop recording would be so that Jose won’t receive further reprimands for his actions – that is his personal problem and has nothing to do with either KC’s rights or the case.

    4) It is very clearly not a case of double jeapordy and just goes to show that Jose is apparently unfamiliar with legal terminology. In order for there to be double jeapordy, you have to be tried for something first. KC has not been tried for anything. Therefore, no double jeapordy. What Jose is trying to say is that if you try someone for first degree murder, then you can’t try them at the same time for manslaughter. But that is exactly what happens in virtually every murder case. Then the jury decides which charge is the correct one. One is thrown out and the other sticks if they find the defendant guilty. Yes, this specific motion is about check fraud, but it is a test and believe me, the one about murder is coming.

  70. BEES KNEES says:

    Niecey, as I’m sure you’ve seen, some idiot has splashed their sad little brain cells all over the WordPress blog for all to see. The funny thing is that anyone who takes the time to read the three very juvenile comments will know immediately that neither myself, ostella or JIF made them. I will only address it here once because it is so juvenile I am embarrassed for the pathetic fool.

  71. niecey456 says:

    Hey Bees! Report it to WordPress. It was brought to my attention. I’ve already reported it myself.

  72. niecey456 says:

    Spacely, I do agree.

  73. ostella says:


    Don’t care! 😆

  74. ostella says:

    I don’t know how the heck I got dragged into it…. But….

    Aint that maturity for ya? 😆

  75. BEES KNEES says:

    I agree, Ostella. How the heck did you get dragged into it? Whoever it is has the bathroom humour of a seven-year old little boy (farts are soooooo funny!). Good Lord!

    I have reported it to WordPress. I have also made screen shots to save and send to all of us who have been attacked (me, Ostella, Bill Sheaffer and John In Florida). Don’t you think that troll is going to die of embarrassment?

  76. ostella says:

    Don’t care! 😆

  77. BEES KNEES says:

    Me too.



  78. NoseyRosey says:

    Thank you all for the generous Welcome!

  79. ostella says:

    The case is so slow this week….. We need some comedic relief while we wait for the motions to be heard later this week. For to laugh:


  80. BEES KNEES says:

    Ostella, you are a funny one! LOL!!!

  81. BEES KNEES says:

    Hey! Where’s my avatar? Must investigate . . .

  82. BEES KNEES says:

    Niecey, I think I’m in moderation. I did many different things to my system this afternoon, a scan, changed a few passwords etc. so I don’t know if I made a change to my gavatar without realizing it. Don’t see how though, and I checked “My Dashboard” and it all looks well there. It seems WP alsways takes a day or two to implement changes. I am patient.

  83. BEES KNEES says:

    Ahhhhhh . . . there I am. I’m a very happy bee. Can you tell? My BF just brought me a great big piece of blueberry cheesecake. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .

  84. BEES KNEES says:

    Ostella, you look a little different these days. Have you done something different to your hare? Get it? HARE!!!! HaHaHa!!!!! Ba-Da-Boom!

  85. ostella says:

    I’m enjoyin a nice sunrise, Bees….

  86. BEES KNEES says:


  87. BEES KNEES says:

    Or, should I say . . . BBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZ . . . ? ‘Night!

  88. niecey456 says:

    Good Evening Everyone! I hope everyone is well.
    Ostella and Bees, very good attitudes! I’m very proud! Good Job! 😉

    Bees, I freed you. Sometimes those changes will do that. Oh well.

    Nosey Rosey, You are welcome! We are glad to have you.

  89. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hiya my l♥velies 😆

    Just finished Diane Fanning’s book…although I didn’t expect to learn anything new it was a good “refresher” as to how everything evolved. I felt quite guilty as I read it whilst lying on the bed due to my pinched sciatic nerve which hurts like he]] when standing or sitting…ratz!!!

    Just to add insult to injury my 14 yr old aircon “died.” {affectionately know as “Big Bertha” because “she” is the size of a large washing machine & supplies both warm and cool air through 8 ducts in the house}
    If all goes to plan a new one will be installed on the 17th of December after I fork out a gazillion $$$’s.

    Ostella I can see a little hare in your avatar but what is the “pink thing?”

    I am planning on a late night/early morning on Friday for the hearing…{will prop leg up on heaps of pillows and bring my only fan down to the office :mrgreen:}

    Looking forward to chatting with you all B4 & after the event.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  90. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! I’m so sorry you are having trouble with the sciatic nerve. I’ve had that before and it is very painful. Please take care of yourself. I will be praying for you. I’ve yet to finish that book, the kids have had me babysitting full time and between that and still having 2 at home and Christmas, I haven’t had much time to crack the book.
    I hate that Big Bertha is down too. I hope it won’t cost too much to replace her.
    I’ve been missing you, and was wondering if something was wrong. Prayers And Hugs To You!!!

  91. ostella says:

    Howdy Jill! The pink thing in my avatar is a beautiful sunrise over a pond. Sorry ’bout Big Bertha and the sciatic nerve! 😥 I hope ya feels better soon!

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