Casey Anthony……………..What Is Her Defense Trying To Do???

Casey Anthony has been booked into the Orange ...

Image via Wikipedia

While I may not have been posting much on this case in recent times, I have followed the latest developments. I don’t post on every little development anymore simply because I think I can see the bigger picture. I see Justice For Caylee coming, and I don’t doubt it will happen. The shenanigans of the defense do not disturb me. I see them as a desperate defense that has no case, and has procrastinated in their duties, as we all know they have preferred the media circus to actually working on the case. The comings and goings of lawyers on the team are not surprising to me. The constant shifting of focus does not surprise me. The constant insistence of the defense to go back to attacking what we already know is FACT in this case, trying desperately to spin it around to make it look like “junk science”, and the constant character assassinations of witnesses, including but not limited to even her own father and brother, do not surprise me. Yes, Casey has quite a quirky team, fighting an uphill battle, but they have an impossible client as well.

We all know that the area where Caylee’s remains were found WAS under water and that is why it was NOT searched. That will be proven in a court of law. The property is classified as “wetlands” on the real estate listing for it. When we recently viewed Joy Wray and her potted flowers and Caylee memorial offerings, you could see the water standing in the spot she says was about where Caylee’s remains were found, and Joy is not even credible, but she gave it away. There were only a couple of people, besides the defense that disputed that fact, and they were found to be NOT credible, or better put, they were LYING, for whatever reason. We have seen quite a few disturbed individuals, and greedy individuals rise up in this case for their “15 minutes of fame”, and so whether it be money or attention as their motivation, it’s not surprising, yet it is incredibly sad. Yes there has been some pretty bad eggs come and go in this case. The TES harassment will stop, sooner or later, but the defense just doesn’t have a case and they have a client that is not very cooperative either. Caylee’s remains were dumped in that spot by Casey, herself and the evidence will prove it. The vegetation was growing up through her little remains.

The defense going after Caylee’s shorts and the laundry bag, is not really that puzzling. I suspect they don’t intend to find anything, but they hope they do and it makes for good PR. Now that might have been a different outcome, had they succeeded in sending those items to another country for testing. They will cheat and lie if they can. We all know they have already tried on numerous occasions to cheat and lie. They just aren’t very good at it. Some are concerned that the reason for the shorts is because they are trying to see if they can find evidence of Caylee being sexually abused, especially with the accusations that the defense and Princess Casey have been throwing out there, but while they may be hoping to find something like that, and might have been trying to manipulate the evidence by trying to send it outside of the country, I don’t think they expect to find that. No, I think they are hoping if they find anything at all it will be of course to create reasonable doubt, but more to paint a picture of a bad investigation.  I think they are looking to discredit the investigation, more than anything. How? You see, Caylee’s case was investigated by the sex crimes division to start with, as they usually work hand in hand with investigators on missing children’s cases, so if they could find something odd, anything that could raise doubt as to that issue, that’s where they are going. I don’t think they will find what they are looking for, but I can see why they are doing this. They are not looking to pin this crime on anyone in particular, just looking to create “reasonable doubt”. We all know that no one ties to this crime, but Casey Anthony. No One. 31 days of not reporting her child missing. Caylee’s remains being in the trunk of that car. Evidence tying to the house. The text messages explaining the smell, and getting rid of the smell. The lies, the partying, the stealing. Casey being the one to abandon the car, and no one else had possession of it. I could go on and on, but Casey is sunk, and her defense is desperate.

The duct tape. It was on that baby’s face. It was in the documents that it held her hair mat on her head, and it held her jaw on her skull after her body decomposed. In fact, I believe the decomposing body fluids in the trunk tell us that Caylee died in the trunk of that car, as her body was in the fetal position. You can’t force that. A body puts itself in the fetal position. I think what Jeff Ashton said at that fateful hearing that upset Casey so much, about how the State believes Caylee died, was right on, and once the deed was done, she was left in the trunk to pass away. How will the defense defend that?

The lawyers coming and going will continue. I don’t expect any of the current team to do much good for Princess Casey. Andrea Lyon considers herself the “Angel On Death Row” and she walked away. Allegedly, according to Mr. Baez, over money. But was it? I don’t think so. I remember reading Peter Hyatt’s Statement Analysis Of Why Andrea Lyon Quit. You should really click on that and read it, if you haven’t already. I found it very interesting at the time, and then, just the other day I went snooping around and decided to see what Andrea Lyon was up to these days. I found this on her blog, and it’s dated well after she quit. Check it out:

Andrea Lyon Observations

I found particularly interesting, her observation number 3.

3        Neither of these principles is inconsistent with having compassion and concern for victims.
She was referencing the first 2 at the beginning of that statement, but she’s trying to show that they do not affect her concern for the victims. She was repeatedly accused of not caring about the victims since she first joined the defense team, based on her own writings and speeches.
I also found this part of her site interesting:
You can see it is a link from her home page, in her sidebar, and her law clinic is a part of this project.
Her home page:
What I take from all of that is simply this. I suspect Ms. Lyon joined the team because of the media coverage. She may have believed, based on what she was told and her disdain for trying cases in the media, that Casey may have been innocent, but I suspect there is something to what Peter said in his analysis, and she got accused of being heartless to the victims and probably found that her client was not innocent. She was not the first attorney to come and go from the team and I suspect she will not be the last. I don’t think anyone can exonerate Casey. Obviously the “Angel On Death Row” didn’t think she could. I don’t believe this was over money, as she was supposed to be “pro bono”.
Bottom Line:

Caylee Anthony



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77 Responses to Casey Anthony……………..What Is Her Defense Trying To Do???

  1. mikka says:

    hi niecey,good to see ya! 🙂
    hope everything is o.k by you!
    to your question,what the defense trying to do?? STALLING! 😆

  2. scott says:

    Im guessing she looks sullen in that mugshot cause the officer told her her favorite night club was being shut down….

    im not sure what planet these lawyers live on.

    in jaycee and amanda’s cases, at least the sleazeballs lawyers know there clients are guilty. it is, of course, theyre job to ‘mitigate’ there crimes with ‘it wasnt so bad’ (monroe) ‘he’s nuts’ (phil garrido) or ‘shes a victim too (nancy garrido).

    these lawyers just totally dont live in a reality based world. maybe she has them brainwashed. maybe they are just idiots.

    or, most likely, they are actors……they are so high on trying to win an unwinnable case they just pretend she’s innocent. a dictator once said, ‘the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. well i guess they are taking that to heart…..

    just get the trial over with already. then i’ll have one less cockroach to worry about…

  3. Hilde says:

    niecey~~ great Post!
    I agree with Your Perception of this Case so far!
    I also am not commenting very much any more. I am just waiting for the Trial and that Justice will be served for Caylee. Like You I am confident Justice is coming.
    Nothing the Defense is coming up with surprises me, it just shows their Desperation and what a weak Case they really have.
    I will follow this Case to the End very carefully and it will be a Relief when Justice finally will be served for the Victim Caylee Marie.
    I believe there is no Chance whatsoever for Casey to walk away from this in spite what the Defense is trying to make us believe! JMO
    We just need to be patient and let the System work and eventually the Truth will prevail!

  4. kathryn says:


    If you haven’t already read it, Seamusoriley.blogspot did an absolutely brilliant and brutal takedown of Cindy Anthony a few days ago. His issue, in particular here, were her personal attacks on Tim Miller who had the misfortune of thinking that the Anthonys ever actually wanted help.

    It’s a great read.

  5. offthecuff says:

    It would have been nice for this case to have already gone to trial. Then we wouldn’t have this churning and churning of old details strewn all over. Very sad.

    But let’s give this alleged criminal and her lawyers all their rights to tie themselves up in knots.

  6. niecey456 says:

    Hey Mikka! Great to see you!!! 🙂
    Oh yes, they are trying to drag it out. Don’t you just love Judge Perry? He will not let them drag it out any longer. 😉

    Hey Scott! I know what you mean. Excuses, excuses. The good news in this case is the trial is 7 months away. That will come quick now. No wonder the rats are scurrying about the way they are. :mrgreen:

    Hey Hilde! Thanks! Good to see you! You are so right. We completely agree. 😉 Justice is coming and they cannot get around it. There is no doubt.

  7. mikka says:

    thats good for the prosecution,bingo!the airtest will be used in another case!
    The odor-analysis science is vastly different from DNA in methodology and purpose. It was developed primarily as a way to help with identifying clandestine burials, but now it’s being used in the case against the 24-year-old charged with first-degree murder in her daughter’s 2008 death!

  8. mikka says:

    sorry i missunderstand,she talking about cma! 😳

  9. niecey456 says:

    Hey Kathryn! I love to read Peter’s analysis. That was a good one, and well earned by Cindy and the way she treated Tim. I’m excited about his upcoming show.

    Hey Off The Cuff! You’re right. It would have been nice. The good news is, she won’t walk and the trial is 7 months away. 😉

    Hey Lona! Wow!!! And she hasn’t even been tried in Palatka. I’d say she may as well get comfy where she is. I hadn’t seen that yet. Thanks for sharing!!!

    Wow! Mikka, That was a good article, and it doesn’t matter if they were talking about CMA, because they have used it to find burial sights, as mentioned in the article, so it is not as new as Bozo would have us believe. 😉

  10. niecey456 says:

    Looks like Zanny the Nanny was looking well in the pic from the article.

  11. WooBabie says:


    Nothing has changed in my view, either. Other than more intensive and extensive disdain for the defense team.

    I think they hope that alot of us who – know all of the facts, have read all of the discovery, etc. – are now beginning to forget a lot of things and they can re-write history for us, their version of history. Maybe they can further jumble the minds of those who are starting to lose their grip on all of the lies we’ve come to know by heart, or discrepancies we’ve straightened out in our minds into the correct spaces which fit into the puzzle the way they’re supposed to go.

    It won’t work. They can try to erase the chalkboard, but the writing is still on the wall.

    I get a wicked smirk on my face when I see these shows popping up on TV, for example, profiling “The Most-Notorious Murderous Moms” (or whatever title) and Casey is not only on the list, but #1, and she hasn’t even gone to trial yet.

    Bwahahah! >=)

  12. scott says:

    susan smith must be a close second 🙂

  13. WooBabie says:

    Every time I see a pic of the Pontiac, after I’m sad and mortified about what happened in the trunk (or what was contained in it) – I laugh because I haven’t seen a bra on a car since late 80’s – early 90’s!

    Watch, I’m gonna totally offend someone here because they have a bra on their car. I apologize in advance!

  14. WooBabie says:


    One show I saw on ID, I can’t recall the title of it, Casey BEAT Susan Smith out. Without being convicted. Says a lot!

  15. scott says:

    woo there are four cases from the last 20 years i can never get out of my mind.

    oj simpson, susan smith, casey anthony and jaycee dugad.

  16. niecey456 says:

    Hey WB! It does say an awful lot! She’s going down, and whether they try an 11th hour plea, or they go all the way through the trial, she’s not walking. She will, IMO at least do Life.
    The jury is not going to be sympathetic to her at all. I know what you mean about the bra on the car. I think most realized that you have to keep them washed and waxed to keep the bugs off. The bra will scratch it up, if dirt gets underneath.

    Hey Scott! She was a bad egg too. It’s so sad, that there are so many of them.

  17. niecey456 says:

    Andrea Yates was a bad case too.

  18. scott says:

    yes niecey but it seesm the husband ended up the scapegoat in that one

  19. niecey456 says:

    True. While I can understand that she may have been mentally ill, but I still think she should have been held accountable. She knew enough to call 911 after she did her deed, which to me showed she did know right from wrong.

    Diane Downs was a bad one too. There are just way too many.

  20. LindaNewYork says:

    Hi Niecey. Good reading, as usual.

    I read the analysis.
    I too believe Andrea Lyon’s does not believe Casey is innocent or could find one iota of goodness in that girl to defend, so she high-tailed it out of there.

    Is now up to Mason do her bidding at the penalty phase? Will he mumble and bumble his way trying to save her from the DP?

    You mentioned an 11th hour plea. I truly do not think Casey will go for it. Would love to be and would love to have been a fly on the wall listening to Baez/Casey conversations from the beginning. Is it enough for Baez that she “insists” she is innocent? Is she still claiming the “Nanny” took Caylee? Can an attorney say to his client. Surely Casey cannot believe she will get away with this and walk free. Surely she knows she is going to do LWOP or get the DP. Personally, I don’t care which she gets, as long as she is held accountable by a court of law and never tastes freedom again.

  21. LindaNewYork says:

    I meant to say up above…Can an attorney say to his client, Hey I don’t think you are innocent…

  22. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Thanks for the new article Niecey, its gr8 to see so many familiar faces back commenting 😆

    I am particularly peeved that Baez hasn’t filed a motion requesting more time with the special magistrate to continue phoning the TES volunteers. By not doing so he is blatantly wasting Judge Perry’s time…grrrr.

    My calendar says that it is Columbus Day on Monday…is this a public holiday?

    Can anyone please tell me when you change your clocks again…thanks.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  23. Molly says:

    Linda/NY – The new attorney Finnell will do the penalty phase bidding. she’s put in a motion to judge perry for $20,000 for investigators (more of those) & psychiatrists or psychologists (can’t remember which), so we know where they’re going with that.

    I think baez has casey totally convinced that all he has to do is create reasonable doubt & they won’t convict her. she is seeing herself out & about after the trial.

  24. LindaNewYork says:

    Thanks for that info, Molly. I must have stopped paying attention!!! With so many people coming on and then off the “team” I think my brain has “glazed over”.

  25. BEES KNEES says:

    Niecey, it’s good to see you again! I always suspected you hadn’t gone too far. I’ve been busy gathering nectar and tidying up the hive in time for winter. I’m taking a little break right now ~ looks like some interesting links to check out, above. Thanks.

  26. niecey456 says:

    Hey Linda FNY! Thanks! I agree with you that as long as she doesn’t see the light of day again (except maybe from behind bars), I’m good. She is a threat to society, so she doesn’t need to roam free.

    Hey Jill! You’re welcome. I agree. It is great to see everyone. 🙂
    Bozo loves to waste the courts time. 🙄 There is no doubt about that.
    Usually, holidays like that, just the banks and the schools and the post office acknowledge those. I know our time change used to be this month, but due to changes in recent times, I believe it will now be in November. Yes, I checked, first Sunday in November. They just cannot leave it alone.

  27. niecey456 says:

    Hey Molly! Good point. Yes. She will be for the penalty phase. But won’t she be disputing the forensics as well? I thought that is part of what she does. I truly hate it when they ask for more money, because I know they could have managed their wealth in the beginning and actually spent the blood money on the case. 🙄

    Hey Bees! So good to see you!!!
    I know what you mean. I’ve been cleaning and reorganizing my house as well. It’s that time of year. I hope you have enough honey for the winter.
    No, I haven’t gone far, but I have been getting baby sugars from the grandbaby. He’s really starting to talk now, and he is just so much fun. I’m fixing to do a post about his latest achievements. He always brings a smile to my face.
    You’re welcome.

  28. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hey Niecey thanks for the heads up on your time change…I have made a note on my calendar. This means that the Status Hearing on Friday 29th @ 1:30pm Orlando time will still be @ 1:30 AM my time. After the 7th of November the hearings will be @ 2:30 AM … 😯

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  29. Sleighbells415 says:

    I want to hear what the trial jury will hear to make their decision. The information we have heard through the Sunshine Law will not all be permissible in court. We have yet to hear except for that small glimpse into Jeff Ashton’s bag of tricks (when he described perhaps Caylee’s last moments of life) where Casey said to Lyon… “Make him stop” and Lyon said I can’t.

    The Prosecution has not tipped their hand other than release of information that COULD be used in court. We have yet to see disclosure from the Defense. I’m sure they are going for reasonable doubt.

    What if Casey is sticking to her story even to Jose. Is Jose that stupid… seems to be… The karma train is pulling into the station. I just hope it results in the loss of license for Jose and disbarrment. He’s already bearing embarASSment. Losers of a feather flock together. But he is failing at doing the work of a good defense attorney.

    Lyon has had guilty clients before. I just think the woman is not a believer of innocence but is just truly against death as the ultimate penalty and makes her sheckels off that stance. There is nothing wrong with being moralistically against an eye for an eye. But to let lose on society a guilty party is quite a different story.

    This case needed a plea deal from the beginning!

  30. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! You’re welcome! At least the next one is before the time change. It’s going to be tough after that. Sorry.

    Hey Sleighbells! Welcome!!! I suspect we will see some of it at trial, but I do think that the defense has caused much to be held back, and they do have that right. The FBI did still have some things in testing that I believe may have been what was recently released to the defense. There have been many releases to the defense, that we haven’t seen. You are correct that we have not seen it all. They cannot violate her right to a fair trial with the “Sunshine Law”.
    I also agree, the defense is plain and simply going for “reasonable doubt”.
    I also agree about Jose. We can only hope it leads to his exposure and disbarment. I believe he’s done a lot of dirty dealings behind the scenes and I hope it’s exposed.
    I also agree about Lyon’s stance. You don’t let the guilty go unpunished. Dealing away a DP for LWOP is not wrong for the guilty, but to unleash them to commit terrible crimes again is wrong.
    I could not agree with you more that this case should have been dealt out in the very beginning.

  31. whosecrazy? says:


  32. niecey456 says:

    Hey Whoscrazy? Welcome!!! And you’re welcome. Thank you for the compliment. I don’t post about the A’s, unless they do something that makes a big fuss pertaining to the case, because plain and simply, they have no real bearing on this case otherwise. Yes, they have done things that have affected this case, but in the end, whether they tell the truth, or lie, it won’t matter. Casey made sure the State has a case, and the A’s can’t change that, even though they have tried at times. It’s really not about them. It’s about Justice For Caylee.

  33. “What Is Her Defense Trying To Do???”

    I would say because Bozo has no experience in this type of trial, he is going by the book. The book says, leave no stone unturned. He, Bozo and his super team have to look at every aspect of everything. This has proved to be very time-consuming for them and for every 100 hours they put in, they might get 1 minute of useful information.

    With what they get they will try the smoke and mirrors act to dazzle the jury. The problem is that Baez is so strong headed he will concentrate on the tech stuff forgetting how to explain away the simple stuff that can’t be explained.

    Like the lying, waiting 31 days to call and she never really did, party, party and the items found with Caylee’s body from her house plus more.

    The defense will be lacking answers to a lot of things that will sink their ship. There is no answer to why a mother would not report her missing daughter and then lie about it, well unless she killed her.

  34. niecey456 says:

    Hey John! Bravo! Very well said!!! I think you nailed that right down.

  35. Jill from Western Australia says:

    ♫Oh dear what can the matter be…♫

    Laura Buchannan has cancelled her depo today citing that she is too ill to attend. This cynic smells another delaying tactic…hmmmm

    Nice interview with ♥ Bill Shaeffer

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  36. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! 😆 😆 :mrgreen: How convenient Ms. Buchanan backed out. I would imagine the thought of her doing time behind bars is very sickening to her. She might aught to start telling the truth about that document. Where is my violin? Can’t find it right now. I did love the defense response. You can tell they’ve been made to look like dunces once again. 😆

  37. Lona1 says:

    Hey Niecey and Jill,

    check out the Coffee Shop page…..thanks for your help!

  38. niecey456 says:

    Hey Lona! Left you a message over there. 😉

  39. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Lona I left you a message too 😆

  40. Jill from Western Australia says:

    :mrgreen: TEE HEE!!! :mrgreen:

    Guess who got caught speeding on Friday the 1st of October?

    ‘Twas our favorite clown…Bozo, I wonder if he was heading for the Court House @ 4:59pm to file another motion?

    His fine of $204 is due today 😆

    [This information was posted at Insessions]

    Scroll down this article to
    “Dominoes & Cigars”

    I’m still ROFL :mrgreen:


    Isn’t it wonderful that all the Chilean miners are now safe above ground.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  41. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! ROFL!!! 😆 Couldn’t happen to a better guy! Wonder if he tried to tell the officer that the radar gun is “junk science”? :mrgreen:

    Yes the Chilean Miners ordeal gave me hope in humanity. Such a wonderful thing, the way the world came together to save lives. I say to the terrorists, stick that in your ear. What a wonderful, happy ending.


  42. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Junk science :mrgreen:

    Isn’t it great to know that KC can enjoy watching soaps on TV at the Floridian taxpayers expense 😡

    Her 3 hots n cot are costing the equivilant of a full years income for many 😦

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  43. niecey456 says:

    It’s a shame that she costs so much. It’s an even bigger shame she is in protective custody, that she cannot work some of that off, but at least she is not out in the world where she can harm someone else. I’m sure she is being good, she can sit around and watch the soaps and eat goodies and dream of her RV ministry. What a life! At least to her it probably is. She doesn’t have to work.


  44. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Well…I guess driving the RV is out of the question :mrgreen:

    KC owes $381, I am presuming this will gain interest…any normal family would pay this now. Maybe they know she will be convicted & not need a drivers licence. I wonder if the rules change when she goes to prison? Can they deduct payments from her commissary a/c?

    Inquiring minds want to know 😆

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  45. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! Wow! I guess they figure she won’t be needing it, and it’s a lost cause. So why pay? After all……….she won’t answer their letters, or see them. I believe in prison they will make her work for a certain amount of credit to the commissary, and I’m sure they will deduct for fines in allotments.


  46. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Good grief!

    Now PI Jeremy Lyons is being accused of witness tampering JUST AS Mark Nejame predicted. I do hope this matter is brought before Judge Perry. No doubt Baez will say he had no idea that Jeremiah was doing this…grrrrr…this gets sleazier by the minute 😡

    [The video didn’t appear for me…hope it works for you.]

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  47. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Oooooo Goooooody!

    KC will be attending the hearing on Friday 29th October @ 1:30PM.

    This video works 😆

  48. Jill from Western Australia says:
  49. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! Amazing…..Was it Mort Smith or Jeremy Lyons or both that interviewed Kronk’s exes? I thought it was Mort, but they could have both been in on that. I think Jill K. and the others were being coached and led. The videos were obviously edited. I suspect this is a practice that the defense has been participating in all along.
    Thanks for the info!

  50. niecey456 says:

    Ahhhhhhhh……………..It was both of them. Watch the video on this page:
    Both PI’s were present for that, and if you remember Kerley kept maintaining what Brad said must have happened. Wonder if BC bailing has something to do with this stuff blowing up? The State is deposing Kronk’s son on the matter of what he and his mom told the defense. Hmmmmm………..I suspect there is more here than meets the eye.

  51. niecey456 says:

    Okay, finally found a clearer version of that video interview. Brad was her best friend that introduced her to Kronk. I still wonder though if they (the defense) were up to no good on the witness issues. Wonder if they paid the Kronk exes? They sure coached them, and they (the exes) were obviously lying. Hmmmmmmm……….

  52. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hiya Niecey and friends 😆

    I am trying to put myself in the mind of a juror hearing about Roy Kronk, his Ex’s and his Son for the first time. Roy’s 3 phone calls would pique my interest but then hearing that the incompetant Cain was fired would “settle” my thoughts. Providing the jury are told that Roy used to be a bounty hunter it wouldn’t suprise me to learn that he returned to the area.

    I suspect that the testimony of his ex’s will be allowed to avoid appellate issues but I would view them as typical grudge bearing ex wives. I feel that Roy may have done a little “pre-discovery” bragging to his son. It depends on how this evidence is presented and what sort of a snow job the defense pulls on him.

    Looking forward to next Friday…will be listening for the clink of shackles…she MUST be treated like any other inmate…I will be very annoyed if she is!

    Also will be watching to see if G&C are accompanied by their new lawyers and/or if Brad Conway keeps his word and attends as he promised to do.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  53. Jill from Western Australia says:

    😳 I will be very annoyed if she isn’t!

  54. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! I’m looking forward to the hearing as well. I suspect she will have the shackles on her legs removed, but will have the other on.
    It will be interesting to see who is in attendance. As far as the exes, their testimony won’t fly, IMHO, because it’s irrelevant. Remember Lyon fought to have Kronk looked at as a suspect, but then later quit. I find that interesting. I agree that his history as a bounty hunter would explain his searching.


  55. scott says:

    she shouldnt be unshackled. if anything they should put a hannibal lecter mask on her so i dont have to look at her evil smirk.

  56. Lona1 says:

    Linda Baden is off the Anthony case…gotta love that one 🙂

  57. Lona1 says:

    Thanks Niecey and Jill, I read your replies ‘over there’… 🙂 It’s so nice to share topics with you guys!

  58. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hannibal Lector mask…tee hee Scott :mrgreen:

    Lona thanks for the info that LKB has resigned. Currently the only place I was able to verify this is here…

    Hmmmm! The fishy smell that wafted in after Lyon [no S] left is here again. I didn’t believe the money story the first time and don’t now as Dr. Michael Baden and wife LKB are definately not short of $$$’s.

    The timing is a bit coinkydink…just one week before JAC rules on Ann Finnell’s financial requests. If forensics is to play a huge part in this defense then they lost a good asset with LKB. Will Dorothy Simms be allowed to skype her questions to doctors living in India?

    Perhaps LKB has decided that she couldn’t stomach spending court time with Baez. Maybe she wants to distance herself from all the sleazy things that the defense has been party to…or just maybe she doesn’t think KC stands a chance in he]] of being acquitted.

    I do hope that Dr. Henry Lee will not become the sole forensic expert during the trial, just listening to him testifying will be bad enough without having to put up with him for days on end.

    Baez makes all his announcements on Fridays…lets hope he gets smacked down by Judge Perry at next Friday’s hearing :mrgreen:

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  59. Jill from Western Australia says:

    I want a jungle animal print chair like Bill Shaeffer is sitting in during this video.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  60. niecey456 says:

    Hey Scott! 😆 I agree about the shackles, but the mask, if you couldn’t see her face, you couldn’t see her guilty expressions, but then I guess we really already know she’s guilty and I guess we don’t need her expressions. 😆

    Hey Lona! Thanks for the heads up! I saw that coming. I’m surprised she didn’t quit before Lyon. I saw it when her and her hubby started the book tour. It ain’t about the money. That’s just a bunch of you know what. 😉 You are welcome on the replies about your up and coming star. We love for you to share. 😉

  61. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! I have expected this one for some time. I’m really surprised she’s just now quitting. I saw her on that path when she and Dr. Baden were on the book promo trail. I noticed that she referred to Casey as “the client” when she maintained she believes in her innocence. To me, and Mr. Stopper would have to really look at this one, but I think she was distancing herself from her. Why didn’t she say she believes Casey is innocent? She’s full of horse hockey and she has proven that with prior cases. 😉
    Yes, Bill does have a nice chair. I don’t know if Ms. Sims can make the grade on this or not, but I suspect that Mr. Mason might be the next to go, if the new DP qualified attorney’s expenses are met. I hope they are not, but we shall see. Looking forward to that hearing. I can already see JP’s chair jiggling. :mrgreen: I also predict he will glare over his glasses more than once.

  62. Lona1 says:

    Judge Perry’s just ruling. C. Anthony, be afraid, be very afraid!

  63. niecey456 says:

    Hey Lona! Thanks!!! Very interesting. I needed to read that. 😉

  64. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hiya my l♥velies,

    Thanks for the link Lona. The more I see and hear about Judge Perry the more I admire the way he runs his courtroom with the decorum befitting of his title – Chief Judge.

    Baez has been vewy vewy quiet of late, I suppose it would be too much to expect that he is actually doing some work :mrgreen:

    I’ve lost track of the deposition deadline but think the 31st of October may be pertinent. I am particularly annoyed with Mason not wanting to travel to depose Annie Dowling whilst her cruise ship is in port [Saturday’s only.] It will be interesting to see if this is re-addressed on Friday.

    Only 3 days ’till the hearing – yippee 😆

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  65. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! I’m really looking forward to that hearing, and Mr. Baez has been eerily quiet. I think this one will be a doozey and I will be present with coffee made very early. 😉 October 31st is supposed to be the deadline for taking depos. Isn’t it? I think it is. I think this is why JP was so determined that they would not be dragging one they requested toward the end of December. That’s when he suggested Saturdays and evenings. :mrgreen: He is quite a guy!!! Anyway, left you a message on the MP page.


  66. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Things that make you go hmmmmm?

    Both Richard and Jesse Grunds depos cancelled.

    Niecey I read somewhere that Judge Perry gave Baez an extention to Nov 19th BUT I’m not sure if this was for depos or something else.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  67. niecey456 says:

    What’s up with that??? That does make you go hmmmmmmmm……………. 🙄 What could be going on?

    I remember the extension, but like you, I’m not for sure if it was for the depos, but I tend to think it was. Will have to look into that. I’m working on a post on Kyron’s case right now, but when I’m finished I will do a post specifically on this case. If that deadline, and even the extension, was for the depos, then canceling would not be smart at this point.
    Very interesting……..

  68. scott says:

    i saw that release of the cell phone records in kyrons case niecey. it sure does paint an unflattering picture of terry.

    but it doesnt give any evidence for the mfh plot or kyrons dissapearence.

    just more useless divorce garbage imo

  69. niecey456 says:

    Hey Scott! Yeah, it does. In fact she made Casey’s “Ugly Coping” look a bit, oh, mild in comparison. I agree about the MFH plot, but while I do believe she is looking more guilty of something, as usual I did find some inconsistencies and down right holes. That has got to be one of the most baffling cases I’ve ever seen. I’m not far from being done with the post. I do think this is divorce stuff and I would be interested to see if he will show the proof of the MFH, if he has it. I think you will like this post. I’ve been reviewing and digging.

  70. scott says:

    i doubt kane has anything…….he was clueless about the so called mfh plot till the keystone cops pulled the ‘sting’. he’s just going on what the cops told him.

    im just exasperated here. yeah i get he’s trying to protect his daughter from her, but his SON is still out there somewhere…..where’s the concern for him too? dead or alive he needs to come home. i just dont get airing dirty laundry like this at a time like this…..

    been following sylars case and one of custodial moms friends said alledgedly that an arrest is coming soon and it will be a ‘shocker.’ what? that leads me to wonder if they are scapegoating one or more of the kids, when we know who is obviously guilty…or maybe bio mom is getting a murder charge thrown at her for leaving him with these aholes.

  71. scott says:

    and about casey……anyone seem to notice her legal team is dropping like flies ever since mumbles mason joined?

    even the new ones cant wait to get out of dodge….

  72. niecey456 says:

    I’m with you on the MFH plot. I find it amazing that he claims he’s gotten input from a judge (or LE did), who says they have enough on Terri in Kyron’s case and the MFH to implicate her.

    “Kaine Horman pleads with Terri Horman to begin cooperating with law enforcement. “I want Respondent to tell the truth. I want Respondent to provide information to investigators that may lead to Kyron’s location.”

    Kaine Horman says he’s learned from law enforcement officials that more than one circuit judge had found probable cause exists to implicate his estranged wife in Kyron’s disappearance and in a murder-for-hire plot.”
    So why no charges???

    I truly hope that there will be an arrest soon in Sylar’s case, and the right person/s is/are arrested.

    I’ve noticed that in Caylee’s case. I am amazed at the turnover rate in attorneys. I really hope that the Judge is firm with them about this money thing, because they are asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for their own stupidity. JMHO.

  73. scott says:

    great so if thats the case, wheres the indictment,arrest, ect?

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