It Seems The Money That Changes Hands In These Cases Is Really Now Beginning To Come To Light

Well it appears that ABC is at it again. They of course are not the only ones. Remember how they maintained that they did not pay for interviews for the Caylee Anthony case, but “licensing fees” for pictures and video??? They all maintained that at the time it began to come to light what they had paid for Caylee’s pictures and videos. ABC was not the only one to dish out. We know that Larry Garrison was accused of dipping into the Anthonys’ “licensing fees” from NBC and CBS paid some as well. I have always felt they were paying for interviews, contrary to what they said. I always felt “licensing fees” were a front. It appears that this was only the tip of the iceberg. Joran van der Sloot’s mother just got paid $100,000 for a GMA/Nightline interview, which it was said that she was going to use a portion of that to pay for his defense. Sound familiar? Michael Jackson’s mother just got a whopping $340,000 from NBC for a one year anniversary interview about her son on Dateline. Those 2 were just this week. It’s been said that Kathrine has been doing quite well since her son’s death, she’s even got a photo book coming out this week. Check it out:

ABC/NBC Pay For Talk

I don’t know about anyone else, but this is disgusting to me. Joran van der Sloot is suspected of murdering 2 young women, Natalee Holloway and Stephany Flores Ramirez, and he confessed to Stephany’s murder, even though he retracted it. He has in a round about way confessed to Natalee’s as well, it was just that he was selling those statements about and Aruba could not use that against him. Yet dear old ABC is going to help pay for his defense, just like they have helped to pay for Casey Anthony’s defense. She is accused of murdering her child, Caylee Anthony. Now in all fairness Kathrine Jackson is not accused of or suspected of harming her son Michael, but he still died a tragic and untimely death, and the profit margin is there with the media for anyone close to him that will talk. What’s wrong with this picture???

I’m sorry but I find it completely distasteful for the media to make the death of someone a profit margin, much less reward murderers for murder. I have come to a point where I rarely even view anything on a major network anymore. It’s bad enough that they are so politically slanted that they distort the news to suit their slant, but they also make murder and death profitable, and I suspect this is nothing new. There have always been people that write books about lost loved ones that were famous, or people writing them who did not even know the person. There have always been books written about crime, so there has always been some sort of profit margin there. Many times it’s done to raise awareness, and that I understand, but I think this is beyond despicable to be a source of paying for the defense of a person accused of murdering someone. I think we are also seeing that it is not necessarily done through “licensing fees”, which I suspected. So how much did Casey’s family and defense really rake in??? We may never know, unless the networks truly fess up, which I doubt. Did Haleigh’s family profit from her disappearance? How long has this been going on? If they have made it so profitable, will there be, or has there been victims who will die for the sake of someone taking a chance that they can profit? Will this encourage murder???

What about the families of missing children who have to raise their own money to keep the searching going, and their cases become cold because they were not “high profile” by media standards? The ones where the child or even the adult was not harmed by a family member. Shouldn’t they get air time to keep the searching going? I guess not only are the 3 major networks politically slanted, but are also biased against whose case can be high profile and whose cannot? I do realize they cannot possibly cover them all, but wouldn’t the money be better spent to actually help solve a crime, rather than encourage and reward them?

Here’s a few more stories about the profit from death in the media:

Shannon Price Gets Paid For Interviews

Deaves Faces Probe Over Media Gifts

At least Australia is looking into the matter. Now I know that we have freedom of the press, but I wonder if they would get their moral values out of the toilet and quit pushing their mindless political agendas and report the news rather than exploit it and it’s victims??? I wonder if that’s too much to ask?

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99 Responses to It Seems The Money That Changes Hands In These Cases Is Really Now Beginning To Come To Light

  1. scott says:

    i think they should all be ashamed of themselves. obviously there is nothing illeagal in what the networks are doing but morally and ethically i think it is wrong and its disgusting.

  2. sophie says:

    Got a feeling Haleigh’s family did NOT profit from her disappearance. Her family is uneducated and unsophisticated enough to lure into free interviews just for the sake of going ‘on the tv’.

    If they were profitting from Haleigh’s disappearance, to the tune of hundred’s of thousands of dollars…well, I think the first thing you’d see is an expensive car in their driveways and lots of Ed Hardy t-shirts on Ronald Cummings.

    I don’t think they’d have spent this time dealing drugs if they had big bucks from the networks for interviews. Taking the drugs…of course. But probably be too lazy to sell them.

    The sad thing about our society today is: money talks. And when it’s offered, everybody’s got their hand out.

  3. scott says:

    ehhh if abc offered halieghe’s family a supply of drugs they’d be intrested

  4. niecey456 says:

    Hey Scott! I agree with you there. It is disgusting.

    Hey Sophie! I’ve noticed that certain of the family members of that family have been more and more made up over time, in their interviews, and dressed better and better, and their lawyers do not appear to be pro bono either. I think they have probably had some pay there, but cannot stay off the drugs or out of trouble. Remember that big tour for Misty after her road rage? She was made up and all accommodations and travel paid and got a new wardrobe as well.
    I’ll see if I can find the link on that one.
    I do agree about money talking. It’s so sad 😦 .

  5. veniceborn says:

    It is simply DISGUSTING! The Anthony’s have started this “chain gang” of fools, and the networks have led the way!!!!! DISPICABLE!

  6. Hilde says:

    niecey~~ I agree with You 100 %!
    The Networks will pay for anything they know will profit their Ratings. It is all about Greed on all Sides!
    There is really a simple Solution, if the Public would not watch All those Interviews about these sad Cases like the Anthony, Joran van der Sloot and Haleigh Cummins just to name a few,
    no one would make any Money of the Victims. As we all know that will never happen, sad but true! 😦
    What does that say about our Society I wonder! Is it all about Money, is Money so important that just about any one can be corrupted and forget about everything which is right and good.
    I realize there are always Exceptions to the Rule, those Exceptions are far and between. JMO

  7. niecey456 says:

    Hey Venice! It is disgusting. However I suspect it’s been going on for much longer than we realize. Little Caylee’s case brought it to light to many of us. It is dispicable!

  8. veniceborn says:

    Hey niecey,

    It is just beyond my thought process how people are firm in their belief that Caylee was with someone else who killed her. It is just simply illogical thinking on their part, yet they consider their thinking factual. I just don’t get it!

  9. niecey456 says:

    Hey Hilde! I completely agree. I slipped up and watched the A’s GMA interview, but I’m not doing it again. This is disgusting.
    Money should not come above moral values, or just plain RIGHT! I think it’s a very sad statement for our society. I really do. 😦 The exceptions are there and you are right, they are few and far between anymore.

  10. niecey456 says:

    Venice, It’s like political spin…………If a person can use a little psychology to convince the uninformed, the uniformed will believe it as fact, and the person doing the ranting does not always believe their own rant. It depends on their motives. The reason it’s so easily done is most people are lazy and do not take the time to really research the facts. Which is sad when you consider that we have a wealth of knowledge at our finger tips in this day and time.

  11. Hilde says:

    veniceborn, I agree with You, it is amazing how many People there are who make all kind of Excuses for Casey A. that she couldn’t have done this horrible Thing to her Daughter despite all the Evidence we know so far. Those People ignore all the known Facts in this Case and make up their own and top it all of they believe their Opinions are the only ones which are fact based and right. My Husband just said, You have to be kidding me, what is wrong with these People?
    I try to keep an open Mind, at the same time I can’t ignore All the Evidence just because I think she couldn’t have done it. It just doesn’t make Sense to me whatsoever. In the End it really doesn’t matter anyway what we believe, it will ALL
    become clear and Casey will have to own up to what she has done to her own Daughter, no Way around that One.
    I strongly believe that, despite her Defense Team which will twist everything around to their Advantage, the Truth will prevail at least that is what we should hope for!
    Caylee’s Death was a Homicide and that is a Fact, some People just can’t except that.

  12. niecey456 says:

    Sophie, I had forgotten their wedding was “Exclusive” to one network, but it was and it is suspected they were paid for that, and since it was an “Exclusive” you can bet they were.
    They had drug habits and were constantly needing attorneys, which both are costly.
    Amazing……….Isn’t it?

    Bravo Hilde! Well said!!! I do agree. No matter the spin, Justice For Caylee is coming. I think sometimes folks do that just to be different. There have always been those that believe that everything is a conspiracy. I only believe in conspiracies if the facts support them.

  13. art tart says:

    Spacely, thanks for bringing this to our attention & thanks Niecey for your articles, opinions, & thoughts on the topics “your family is interested in!”

    There is a SON OF SAM LAW, I wish there was a LAW that protected children, as in the case of Drew Peterson from SPENDING the insurance money of their wives on their defense. NOTHING left for the children from their mothers! No telling how much money that scumbag pocketed saying despicable things about the mother’s of his children, accusing adultery, they were crazy, they ran off with another man, etc. FINALLY they muzzled that nut with a GAG order but look at the damage he continued to do & victimizing the VICTIM’s parent’s & siblings.

    imo, the MEDIA will do anything for ratings. It is dispicable to me that the Anthony’s are PAID to LIE & SPREAD PROPAGANDA that their daughter didn’t murder Caylee.

    WHY won’t the MEDIA interview INFORMED individuals such as Bill Sheaffer, Hornsby, retired Orlando LE in Caylee’s case to put reality into perspective. NBC, the TODAY SHOW is the only network I have seen this with Kerry Sanders always reporting from Orlando giving ALL the background on this murder starting with CA’s 911 call.

    I agree with everyone, ALL very good COMMENTS!

  14. niecey456 says:

    Hey Art! You’re welcome. I do believe the media has become a propaganda machine these days. Not all, but most. I wonder how hard it is to just report the facts and then give the opinions of the commentators, with both sides represented on most things? Wouldn’t that be more along the lines of fair? In the debate I think that both sides should be challenged to present facts to back up their points of view. I do think that some do that, but by and large most do not. More than ever before people need to make themselves aware of the FACTS in any matter as best they can, because you cannot just rely on the media to present the facts. I know you are passionate about that. I think opinions should be challenged. What do you base it on? I guess I’m asking too much.
    I don’t think the media should pay for murder. I really don’t. I don’t think they should pay for spin either. What a sad place we’ve come to. 😦

  15. art tart says:

    I meant to include, that although Drew Peterson NOR KC Anthony have been convicted & legally they CAN sell memories, in the case of Drew Peterson, he got an INSURANCE pay out, that money, imo, should have gone to HIS children, NOT his defense. In the case of children, they are screwed over & over by the murder of one parent, & to see the other remaining parent go to JAIL providing NO SUPPORT for them. Bart Corbet comes to mind, there are many.

  16. art tart says:

    Also, the Survivor Producer that was seen leaving the dumpster area in Mexico in the last few months where his murdered wife was found, the only suspect in her murder is back in the US with his kids, probably continuing to whine & dine on his murdered wife’s life insurance. Just criminal, imo.

  17. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Art! I know what you mean. The Son Of Sam Law has loop holes, sadly there is no one answer, except that the media not do their part in paying out to the murderers.

  18. niecey456 says:

    I believe that the media can do their part to report on the issues without paying for the interviews. I also believe that Insurance companies should wait before paying out in cases of murder, where a family member that could be paid is a possible person of interest. That is a slippery slope, I know, but I think if a murder of a person is under investigation and the family cannot be ruled out, they should be able to wait to pay out, or only pay enough for the final arrangements until the investigation can rule out the person in question.

  19. art tart says:

    Niecey, I agree it is a “slippery slope,” I know in some cases, parent’s of murdered adult children have FORCED some insurance companies to HOLD the payments as the circumstances are questionable, or, the remaining spouse is a suspect, but it is rare. Holding the LUMP payment & to pay for Final arrangements, IT ISN’T CHEAP to die or be murdered is an excellent solution.

    I read about a case last week in which there was a Million Dollar Life Insurance Policy, the Insurance company wouldn’t PAY due to the questionable circumstances but the insurance company later settled with the remaining parent for $150,000.00, NOT the Million. Attorney’s got at least half of that, & again, the children got nothing.

  20. niecey456 says:

    Sad. I do think something could be done. We do have insurance to pay for final arrangements and to provide for our loved ones, upon our passing, but I do think that in questionable circumstances, they should pay for the final arrangements and hold back on the full payment until the investigation is complete. I do also believe that the way we make our wills could help too. I think we should all have one and be very specific.

  21. scott says:

    niecey when i try to link to the new k\yron post it says page not found.

    nor it is the new top post on the home page.

  22. Spacely says:

    I think you will find this article to be very interesting and educational:

    Although more than a decade old, this article shows this dilema has been with the press for quite some time. It goes through some of the history of paying for interviews. Also of note is that more than 10 years ago, ABC was paying for interveiws and denying it and Michael Jackson was working the system to his advantage.

    It’s almost as if we haven’t progressed one bit since then and may have even slid backwards.

  23. niecey456 says:

    Scott, For whatever reason it said it published and went to draft, so I took it back to edit and republished and it did the trick. Sorry, I guess it was just one of those glitchy things.

    Kyron Horman Is Still Missing……….The Latest

  24. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Spacely! I suspected this practice was not new. I think this is because talk shows are so popular and I think that is where the practice began, with talk shows. I could be wrong. Going to read the link.

  25. Spacely says:

    I do believe that everyone connected to the Haleigh case made money from her death, although I do agree it was not nearly the dollar amounts raked in by Jose and the Ants.

    Part of that is because there are three major parties connected to Haleigh, but only one in Caylee’s case – her grandparents/mother. Moneymakers in Haleigh’s case include Ron’s family, Crystal’s family, and the Croslins.

    Right after Haleigh dissappeared, Ron got fired from his job for not showing up. I have to admit, I would be so torn up, maybe I wouldn’t have gone back either, but where did he get money to live during that period? Even living in Grandma’s house ain’t totally free, especially with a kid and a kid/gf/wife.

    Crystal hooked up with Picazio, who opened the Haleigh Bug Donation Center, where they collected untold amounts of cash. Interestingly, even though Crystal had been displaying outlandish and criminal behavior from day one and Picazio was taking a daily beating in the press, Picazio split ways with her due to “moral grounds” immediately after the center closed due to lack of continued donations. In other words, once the CASH was gone, so was “pro bono” Picazio. Tell me there weren’t some funds changing hands there.

    Despite the Croslins’ group protestations of not being involved in the case and bad press stopping them from finding jobs, they did receive a car and cash from Padilla, but this was way late into the game. I don’t think they made a lot prior to that, but I find it nearly unbelievable they didn’t get some free meals and other such from the legion of press that was in that community in the first days. I am not saying they made life changing money, but there was money made. I am pretty sure Cobra gave Hank money during his investigation.

  26. scott says:

    space its pretty easy to see where ron and misty were making there money before and after.

    they are stinking drug dealers

  27. niecey456 says:

    I agree with that Spacely. They did make money, but there were more of them to pay, and coupled with the drug habits and the constant need for lawyers, well, they burned through their share, plus I believe in some instances they were paid with clothing and makeovers and other things like the car and cash that Padilla gave Hank and Lisa, which I find interesting because dear Hank neglected to mention that in that little piece he did about how pitiful they are. The cash was supposed to be enough to put them in a place to live if memory serves me correctly.
    They did profit though. I wondered the same as you about Ron after losing his job. Of course they could have been investing in their “business”. Which I’m sure they did.

    I agree Scott.

  28. Spacely says:

    My opinion is that Misty and Ron are failures. Completely and totally. In everything they do.

    I highly doubt they were making much money from the drug running. Some, sure, enough for peanuts and beer during late night stops at gas stations, but not enough to actually cover their rent.

    I could be wrong, but when you watch those videos of the undercover cop in the car, Ron and Misty seem awful excited about doing business with him. I think this is because suddenly, this guy shows up out of nowhere and keeps coming back with cash. I think most of their business was nickel and dime, but thank their lucky stars, a guy with a bunch of pill poppers in his client base meets up with them. But even then, when you look at the dollar amount of the drugs they sold him and the length of time the transactions were spread out over, it is not a lot of dough. And it seemed like they did not actually have the supply, they were picking it up on a transaction by transaction basis as the cop placed his orders. The guys who normally make all the bucks in the drug trade actually keep large supplies on hand.

    To people who live hand to mouth, it may have seemed like a lot of money, just as payments-in-kind or donations seemed like enough money to set them up for life, kind of like when I win a free Big Mac and start thinking about spinning it into a retirement account…

  29. niecey456 says:

    😆 Yep! I think that sums it up. I wonder about dear Hank’s doctor shopping among other things. I don’t think any of them had the sense to be successful at anything, including being criminals.

  30. niecey456 says:

    BTW, I found that last link very interesting. Thanks!

  31. Spacely says:

    I thought you would.

    I am going to apply another coat of that philosophical wax of which I have an overabundance.

    Perhaps the problem does not lie so much with the payment for interviews as it does in the oxymoron of a “Free Press”. Although we have a constitutional right to a “free” press, up until the dawn of the internet, you couldn’t get your press for free unless you visited your local library (for which you pay taxes) or picked up a used newspaper from a park bench.

    So, the problem may be that we have to pay for information to start with, even that which is legally ours, like in the case of the clerk costs for KC info.

    Once money enters the system, it becomes virtually impossible to control where in the system it stays, be it from your pocket for your local paper or from the paper to the reporter as salary or from the reporter/paper to the source for info. In this case, money truly is the root of all evil.

    If you go way back to the founding of our country, there was a guy named Richard who published a very popular almanac. Turns out, his name wasn’t Richard, he wasn’t poor, and he wasn’t even a farmer. His real name was Ben Franklin, whose main business was newspapers. He owned a bunch of them. And his belief in a “free press” and “freedom” in general meant that he didn’t have to pay as high of taxes as he was paying on paper and that he was free to make as much money as possible from publishing.

    He even managed to get himself appointed as the first postmaster general, which allowed him to deliver his papers for free and charge all his competitors as the only means of delivery at the time, putting him into a very advantageous position in competing with his rivals.

    I believe that from his point of view, the only problem with paying for information would be it cut down his own profit margin. I also think he felt newspapers were both news and entertainment, probably more so entertainment as his personal success was builty on his abilty to write humorous stories that people loved to read.

    As one of the founding fathers and probably one of those highly engaged in the “free press” debate that raged around the time of the Bill of Rights, his views on free press probably deserve a good deal of consideration as to the beginnings of the newspaper industry in the United States.

    However, I am sure he never foresaw the Octomoms and Jose’s of the world coming nor the rise of instant news communication through internet, tv, and radio. It would be extremely interesting to hear his opinion of the current media industry and their standard practices.

    As a history buff, I have always had a huge soft spot for ol’ Ben because he represents to me a truly American blend of ethics, morality, and pragmatism. He had the gift of sorting through the lofty ideals of the Jeffersons and Madisons of the world and bringing out the practical and useful to the everyday man. But I feel that if he were here today and still publishing, he would be running the National Enquirer.

  32. niecey456 says:

    I think it would be interesting to hear his opinion of the media today, if we could. I know we can’t, but it is an interesting thought to ponder. I wonder many times what our Founding Fathers would think of what our Nation has become and how our Government continues to change our Constitution. I don’t think they would be too happy with it all, but if they were here, they would be up on everything,and so it’s hard to say what they would have to say exactly. I do think they might be telling our current Government that they have become what was fought against to make us the free nation that we are supposed to be.

  33. Spacely says:

    Is this article about Jose, Lyon, and Mason???

    You be the judge…

  34. niecey456 says:

    😆 I’ve heard and seen it all now! 😆
    I can see any of the 3 or even LKB fighting that fight. :mrgreen: They just don’t need to let Todd get a hold of any trust funds.

  35. BEES KNEES says:

    Great comments and a really great piece, Niecey! You know, 10 or 15 years ago something changed in our society. I’m not sure what triggered it but a coldness came over governments, economy, banks, etc. etc. I’ve never read about it but I sensed it at the time and I still feel it. EVERYTHING has become about money. EVERYTHING. I don’t know if we’ll ever get back to a time when people and businesses and governments felt a moral and ethical responsibility.

  36. Ideas says:

    Any gossip about the Anthony’s foreclosure trial? Their latest GMA had to help their cause some?!

  37. BEES KNEES says:

    That was hilarious, Spacely!

  38. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Niecey thanks for bringing this to our attention. Strange…but nothing about the Aussie case has been on the news…but then it isn’t sensational enough is it?

    Thanks also must go to Spacely who constantly keeps our little grey cells on track…jobbee well done :mrgreen:

    I read on Insessions that the Ants foreclosure hearing had been cancelled…no explanation was given. I am suprised that the media arn’t following this more closely…the outcome could be sensational 🙄

    There was a “coup” overnight in Australia…now we have a new female Prime Minister….more about this on your Politics page.

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  39. Jill from Western Australia says:

    More on van der Slug…make sure you read page 2.

    Judge to rule on legality of keeping van der Sloot in jail

  40. Talk shows like GMA are really news outlets, they provide us with more news than entertainment when people are interviewed like the Ant’s and others. By paying these people, they are paying for news which is not unbiased but rather predictable. The people used to do the interviews are generally people associated with the news media and we expect real news from them.

    In the past the news was presented as the reporters saw it without any opinions injected, it was just plain facts. Now it seems that the media and news interviewer can twist and maneuver the guest and provide more sensational statements in order to gain more income from advertising.

    It has become all about money not necessarily the truth or even reasonable news. The media should provide a show for these types of interviews that does not mimic anything like a news show. More like the Jerry Springer show as it is solely for entertainment purposes.

    Complain, complain, complain and if enough do it maybe they will revert to real news reporting. Yeah right!

  41. niecey456 says:

    Hey Bees! Thanks!! I couldn’t have done it without Spacely. He brought a lot of good information my way.
    I do agree something did change, and it is not something you could read about, but something that you saw change almost like watching it in slow motion and you could feel it and hear it. I think it was the rebellion against God and the determination to make all things wrong right. It was arrogance, and greed, hatred and spite. The determination to change what was right and make all things wrong. Our politicians have played on words and worded things in ways that make it to where the public does not understand that what they are saying, what they are actually doing are 2 different things. In short I’m afraid it’s the fall out from the 1960’s. That generation is now in power around the world and I’m afraid they did too many drugs at Woodstock, or in support of it anyway. To be fair, it also stems from the Great Depression. The generation that grew up in those times decided their children would never have to experience the lack they had to or work the way they had to, and each generation after followed suit, and now our children are spoiled beyond all belief. Now the whole world is driven by selfishness, greed, power, and self-entitlement. 😦

  42. niecey456 says:

    Hey Ideas! I have been looking and couldn’t find a thing.

    Hey Jill! You’re welcome. Spacely did do a fine job. Couldn’t have done it without him.
    I guess that case wasn’t sensational enough. Amazing. The media picks and chooses.
    That makes sense as to why I couldn’t find anything on it. I checked regularly, and nothing. I wonder why it was canceled?
    Wow! I will hop over to the Politics page shortly.

    Thanks for the article! Ugh! I hope they don’t let that killer out!

    Hey John! I think we need to do more than complain. I think if we don’t give them the ratings, that will make a difference as well. Another thing to do is find out how many companies are affiliated with them like ABC/Disney, and not give those companies our business either. That’s what they understand, failure or success.
    I do agree that our news is so twisted with opinion, that it is hard to get the truth. Gone is the nightly commentary after the news. The commentary has been inserted in the news, so I think there is more opinion than fact.

  43. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Spacely! I’m amazed about Kronk’s roommate. Wonder who that is?
    I’m glad they are getting the depos done. Both sides.

    I think Tommy is in for a rude awakening. :mrgreen: Wonder how shocked he will be to not get 3 years???

  44. BEES KNEES says:

    Niecey, it’s true that the bottom line is the media would not be paying for these interviews, photos, etc. if there weren’t a market for them. There must be because they certainly wouldn’t be doing it if they were LOSING viewers/ratings/money. I simply don’t have TV so I’m not tempted by the GMA interviews etc. but I’m still able to watch the hearings, etc on-line with you and even Nancy Grace was posted regularly on YouTube back in the early days. So I’m not seeing the show’s sponsors which is what it’s all about but I still feed my daily curiosity. It would take a lot of people to make a change.

    Any news on upcoming doc dump? Have they given a date?

  45. BEES KNEES says:

    Well done, Spacely!!!

  46. niecey456 says:

    Bees, It is true. You are correct it would take a lot of people to follow suit for it to work. Good for you!

    I’ve been reading up on it, so far all I have is the link Art brought on another thread from News 13 saying it could come before the end of the week.

  47. niecey456 says:

    😳 Sorry, Spacely brought it here. Great minds think alike. 😀

  48. BEES KNEES says:

    Tomorrow’s always their favorite day.

  49. BEES KNEES says:

    Wow! 5000 more pages! But, I need to keep in mind we’ve heard these large amounts before and then it ended up being 99% repeat of evidence we already knew about. I’m trying to not get my hopes up.

  50. niecey456 says:

    Yes Fridays are a fav.
    That’s a lot of pages. I hope it’s interesting……………… And not all review, but like you I will not get my hopes up.

  51. Spacely says:

    Tomorrow’s release does look pretty interesting. I am interpreting the “letters” they refer to as letters written from people outside of jail to KC inside, not the internal inmate correspondence we already saw.

    So, I would imagine some of them will be really hateful, while others will be very supportive and we might see some names of individuals we already know are connected to the case… like searchers and George gfs and old classmates and maybe even some from imaginary friends.

  52. BEES KNEES says:

    Spacely, now my expectations are a bit higher. Thanks! I do look forward to it.

  53. niecey456 says:

    Ooo………….. Thanks Spacely! That aught to be pretty interesting.

    I’ll have the coffee on Bees! 😉

  54. BEES KNEES says:

    I look forward to it, Niecey! I always like reading the releases through this, my “feels-like-home” blog. See you then!

  55. niecey456 says:

    🙂 This is our cyber home dear friend Bees. I’m glad you feel that way. I look forward to seeing you in the morning.

  56. scott says:

    correspondence from outside to casey:

    casey, your my hero!-susan smith

    ‘casey will you marry me?-scott peterson

    wow im gonna be busy tommorrow. casey doc dump and a hearing for jaycee

  57. niecey456 says:

    😆 Scott, It aught to be interesting.

    What time is Jaycee’s hearing?

  58. scott says:

    not sure niecey, pacifc time so probably late afternoon.

    i;ll probably given an update tommorrow night i hope

  59. niecey456 says:

    Oh okay. I look forward to an update. Is it just a hearing. Do you know when it will go to trial?

  60. art tart says:

    I am confused, I have continued to post Caylee info & comments in the Caylee thread, are we now using this as the Current Caylee Case Thread?

    Are we supposed to post here if it pertains to KC’s case are the Caylee thread?

  61. niecey456 says:

    Art, This thread does pertain to Caylee’s case, but you are more than welcome to comment on either one. It’s all up to you.
    While this thread does speak of other cases, it really is up to you.

  62. art tart says:

    Niecey, this thread pertains to many cases, not just Caylee’s Case as you said & pertains to the money aspects. Caylee nor KC’s name is at the top of the thread but they are mentioned & discussed. If I am short on time, I go to the Caylee thread to read the current news, I had already read the money aspects of Caylee’s case yesterday, so I went back to the Caylee thread today to read the legal that pertained to the case. I stopped here a little earlier & was surprised to see current legal Caylee news posted here.

    In the future, when you post a new thread, do we move to that thread? It is difficult to have conversations when some have moved to a newer thread discussing the case. In this case, it wasn’t a “Caylee thread” but a thread of many cases which mentioned Caylee’s Case, so I assume, most have moved here. Are we still supposed to discuss current information on Caylee’s case in the newest thread even if it is not titled specifically for KC/Caylee Case?

    Some BLOGS are very strict about posting comments in the correct thread & being on topic, I assume this is different. I am happy to do what I am supposed to do, I just found this a bit confusing & didn’t know where I was supposed to post. No one wants to post on a thread if everyone else has moved to another thread to discuss the case.

  63. niecey456 says:

    Basically if it pertains to Caylee, most usually will give the latest links they have found there on that post. I try to have it somewhat organized, while at times we do go a bit off topic. This is why I put up the new page for politics when I don’t have a current political post we can go there and discuss the political issues of the day. I do have different pages for these reasons. I’m not real strict on it because if we stray, we usually come back, but many will post on the latest to show up as a Caylee post in regards to Caylee’s case. I will consider a few more pages maybe. I’ve been redecorating too. 😀

  64. art tart says:

    Niecey, that’s what I thought it had always been so that’s why I went back to the last Caylee thread. It is difficult to find the time to read all the threads so I usually read the thread I am most interested in which is Caylee’s.

  65. art tart says:

    Niecey, I meant to mention the colors, LOL, besides being confused, the colors had changed, or, was I having a small stroke? I only had a 1/2 glass of red wine! LOL!

    You did a great job, if you ever want to SCREAM at us, consider using Turquoise as it is also a compliment of brown. I was an Art & English major, I LOVE the white writing against the warm back ground, & I love the dark blue too. I loved the old look, but I think this is “Cutting Edge,” as Bill Sheaffer has described our BEES KNEES!

    You are multi talented my friend, thanks.

  66. niecey456 says:

    😆 You might have missed when I had the green, or when I had one of my garden pics as the background. It was too busy, and distracting. I finally settled on this color for now. I think it’s easy to read, and it adds warmth. Debating about whether or not to eventually do a slide show header. That I will save for another day. 😉

    Many come in here from the forums, instead of coming directly to the sight and that is usually why that happens on the Caylee posts. It did show up as the latest. I will be up bright and early with a new post in the morning for the document dump. It will be a busy day.

  67. BEES KNEES says:

    Yeah, this def. looks more artsy. I love the chocolate brown. art’s right. Turquoise would jump right off the page beside this brown. art, I’m green with envy that you were an art major! I’m a graphic designer but I always wanted to study fine arts. Still might.

  68. art tart says:

    Niecey, those DOC DUMPS are SO MUCH work for you, I am overwhelmed with the thought of 5,000 pages, wonder how OVERWHELMED C Mason is going to be. Hopefully, there will be 5 big sections, 1000 pages each! I will be out a lot tomorrow, can’t wait to get back in the afternoon to see what Ms. Skank is up to!

    I too wonder IF Lyon’s assigns the DOC DUMPS to her class, she does have one of her classes working on this case, & ask them what they think is the most damning in the DOC DUMP. I am overwhelmed & I will be reading the letters for pleasure.

    I think on Hal’s Blog I have read where some of the “old bloggers that have been there since day one” have accused a few of being Lyon’s student’s as their opinions aren’t the normal take on the murder of Caylee.

  69. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Bees! It’s a work in progress. I wanted to fix things up a bit. That would look nice.
    I’m green with envy with both of you, art major, graphic designer, I’m a novice. I just like to decorate. :mrgreen: You should do that Bees.

    Interesting Art! There have been a few bloggers here and there that have been on uhm, well, the defense side of things, they usually don’t stick around though. I’ve not run across too many on wordpress.
    Yes document dumps are busy days, but they are interesting ones as well. The good news is the media usually has them broken up into links, so it’s just a matter of bringing them to all of you, and reading them and giving my take. Not too bad. I don’t mind a bit.

  70. scott says:

    niecey this just a pre lim prelimnary hearing. im guessign there setting stage for the real thing in october.

    id say a year or two till trial

  71. niecey456 says:

    Oh, okay, kind of like a case management hearing type thing, crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s. Got ya. Thanks Scott!

  72. scott says:

    sorry guys i post about jaycee where convienent for me cause the one thread on her might be too backdated for anyone to notice 🙂

  73. scott says:

    yeah niecey i think the term they call is ‘housekeeping’ or something like that. i bet they set the groud rules for the real hearing.

  74. niecey456 says:

    I’m going to make a few new pages over the weekend to help us with all of our many topics. As it stands now I have a few pages for Faith, a page for gardening, a page to fuss and be thankful, an off topic page (The Coffee Shop), and a political page. I will make some more to help us organize a little better. When I’m finished I will give you all a heads up to let you know what they all are about. As it stands now, I think we all do pretty well, but a little expansion never hurts. I’ve been meaning to do that anyway.

    Night all. See you in the morning.

  75. niecey456 says:

    BTW, Scott thank you for keeping me updated on Jaycee’s case.

  76. BEES KNEES says:

    Good morning. We’ve had doc dumps of 5000 pages before (I think). It really confuses me though because even when we’re told it’s in the thousands it always seems to be more like in the hundreds. At least the ones we see. Or am I crazy? You would know Niecey. When they say 5000 do we really see 5000?

  77. Lona1 says:

    Nice design, Niecey!
    Whatever happened to Mikka?

  78. Diana says:

    Late to respond but……..anyone else wonder if any bloggers letters to Casey will surface? Surely there will be a few supporters who are worried at this moment that they will be outed.

    I love this new format Niecey. Easy on the eyes.

  79. BEES KNEES says:

    I’ve been missing mikka, too.

    Diana, I don’t know why but I’d never considered that bloggers would be writing to Casey. But of course you’re right. Now that I think about it why wouldn’t they?

  80. BEES KNEES says:

    This nice rich brown reminds me of . . . coffee!

  81. niecey456 says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Running late this morning. Sorry.

    Hey Bees! I have fresh coffee. I don’t know if it will be 5000 or not, but you are right it sometimes is not what they say. Usually they give and estimate though and say something like over 1000 pages will be released. I guess we shall see. We have had that many before.

    Hey Lona! Thanks!!! I’ve been wondering the same thing. I really miss Mikka. I hope she’s okay.

    Hey Diana! I don’t know but that is very possible. I think that is very possible.

    Me too Bees. I’m really concerned. I think Diana was referring to the ones that are supportive of Casey. You remember there was said to be a large group of them.
    Coffee Bees?

  82. BEES KNEES says:

    Mmmmmmm ~ yes, please. Double-cream.

    Maybe mikka’s taking a break. I found that after being away from the blogs for a while it was really hard for me to get back to it. Particularly because there was nothing really going on to discuss. Maybe we’ll see her today now that we have something to sink our teeth into.

  83. niecey456 says:

    Here you go Bees………….. Maybe she is. I don’t know. I hope that’s all it is, and yes you are right it is hard to get back into it sometimes.

  84. BEES KNEES says:

    With respect to the bloggers who feel that Casey may not be guilty, (not here, but elsewhere in cyber-space) I have to say I’m having such a hard time accepting there really are people who believe her. If they are sincere in their beliefs then I have no business thinking they aren’t, right? But that is how I feel and I’m wondering if anyone else does, too?

    I can’t decide if they are law students being paid to put some time in on the blogs . . . or, volunteers, just bloggers playing devil’s advocate for the sake of argument (which I’m personally o.k. with if they say that’s what they’re doing), or, something Cindy has organized?

    All of those ideas seem outlandish to me. But so does the fact that some bloggers are saying they question Casey’s guilt.

    What do you guys think?

  85. niecey456 says:

    I’m with you Bees. I do feel that a person that legitimately feels that way, has every right to. With that said, if it’s a person that is employed to do so and is attacking to silence those that disagree, that would be different. And with that said, I’m not sure how we would know the difference. JMHO. I do have a hard time understanding how someone could feel that way(that she’s innocent), but that’s me.

    Mystery is back on the new document dump post. 🙂

  86. BEES KNEES says:

    They’re here! They’re here! (jumping up and down)!

  87. BEES KNEES says:

    Off to Mystery’s then . . .

  88. niecey456 says:

    She’s at my place Bees. I hope she will post, but she hasn’t so far.

    Who’s here? Yes the documents have been released, fixing to update the new post, but they have not released them on the outlets yet.

  89. BEES KNEES says:


  90. BEES KNEES says:

    Will you put a link here or should we go to wftv?

  91. BEES KNEES says:

    My bumblebee looks really fuzzy ~ it’s not supposed to. whine . . . whine . . . whine . . . ah, vanity!

  92. niecey456 says:

    I posted a new post for the doc dump. That is where Mystery came to see us.

    Document Dump 6/25/2010 In Caylee’s Case

    I already have 2 batches posted from WOFL, they have released 2.
    I’m sorry your Bee is fuzzy. 😳 I thought your Bee looked nice against the background.

  93. scott says:

    bees i feel its almost like a cult. like all those sick women that thought the menendez brothers were so cool.

    i call them anthony groupies

  94. art tart says:

    Hal Bodeker Stated:

    Caylee Anthony and the fee issue: ABC’s Chris Cuomo says, ‘There’s almost always a price tag attached’

    June 28, 2010 at 9:40 am

  95. niecey456 says:

    Hey Art! Thanks!!! The link didn’t come through, for whatever reason.
    Interesting……… I think ABC and all of them should be ashamed. Very ashamed. They’ve been reduced to supporting murder and associating with murderers, for the sake of a story and ratings.

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