Document Dump 6/25/2010 In Caylee’s Case

It is said that this unexpected document dump will contain 5000 pages and that it contains letters sent to Casey in jail.  A good point that was brought up this morning was that Casey’s supporters, (as far as the bloggers we’ve heard about) could now be revealed. I don’t know if we will realize who they are, but that’s a good point.  I’m sure it will be very interesting. I can’t imagine why anyone but her family would be willing to write her. I don’t know yet if it will contain any other information right now. However, as usual I will update this post throughout the day.

Channel 9 On The Documents

Wesh 2 On The Documents

Local 6 On The Documents

OS On The Documents

It has been said that the documents do contain many letters from well wishers and even some inviting Casey to where they live. One even says that Casey is her hero. The OS is also mentioning the jailhouse letters, so it’s possible they may be in there as well.

Scott, will be keeping us updated on the hearing for Jaycee Dugard’s case here today.

This photo may be in the documents.

News 13 On The Documents

My Fox Orlando On The Documents

From My Fox Orlando:

Casey’s Jailhouse Letters Part One

Casey’s Jailhouse Letters Part Two

Now the dates are from April given on these batches, but I’m assuming that is when they were released to the defense.

Channel 9 is releasing them in files, so I’ll give those links. They are warning these files are huge, so I’m passing that along.

Set One

Set Two

Set Three

Set Four

Set Five

Transcript Of Rick Plesea

Transcript Of Richard Grund

Transcript Of Nathan Lezniewicz

Transcript Of Debbie Polisano

George’s Letters 1

George’s Letters 2

George’s Letters 3

George’s Letters 4

George’s Letters 5

George’s Letters 6

George’s Letters 7

George’s Letters 8

George’s Letters 9

Letter Snapshots

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165 Responses to Document Dump 6/25/2010 In Caylee’s Case

  1. itsamysterytome says:

    Love the new look, Niecey! I need a new look, too!

  2. niecey456 says:

    Hey Mystery! Thanks! I have missed you so much. Great to see you back! 😉

  3. itsamysterytome says:

    I’ve missed you, too, Niecey! It’s taken me a while to “recover” from the wedding! lol! I’ve kept up by reading your blog, though!

  4. niecey456 says:

    I figured you might be worn out. I know it must have been absolutely beautiful.
    It has been slow most of the time you have been gone on this case. The news comes and goes in spurts. I’m glad I could be of service. 🙂

  5. Spacely says:

    Dear KC,

    You are my hero, the wind beneath my wings.

    I wish I had the inner strength to spend two years in jail for a murder I did not commit without ever spilling a word of my “real” alibi even though I spent hours spewing lies when I truly thought my daughter was missing and time was of the essence, even though I wrote hundreds of pages fictionalizing most of my life to a person I never met before I was incarcerated with them, even though my parents have given voice to every possible innocence scenario my squirmy attorney could think up.

    I have tried so hard for so long to quit going to work but keep food on the table and I really admire how you pulled it off so well for two years that not only were you in fed, clothed, and sheltered, but so was your offspring.

    If only we could all be as loyal to our real friends as you are to your imaginary ones, the world would be a happier place.

    I have learned a lot from your example. When I steal my friend’s checkbooks, I will be sure not to shop at stores with cameras at the registers.

    I think it’s really unfair that PETA wants to press charges against you for animal cruelty in the death of those unfortunate squirrels. It’s not your fault they crawled into your trunk, ate all your pizza, and died. Squirrels will be squirrels. You couldn’t have known the reaction they would have to spoiled pepperoni.

    Your number one fan,



    Orlando East

  6. niecey456 says:

    😆 Spacely! I had no idea you had already read them. 😆

  7. BEES KNEES says:

    Spacely! I actually came thisclose to believing that letter! You had me up until the second sentence. HA HA HA!!! Incredible that it COULD happen (a letter that blind). I’m sure we’ll see examples of it today. GRRR . . .

  8. niecey456 says:

    I think I’ve got them all posted. Channel 9 did a great job of getting it our there. I’ll keep looking, but I think I have them all.

  9. Lona1 says:

    Orlando East blogs on the Orlando Sentenial blog. OMG 🙂 Sick, sick, sick.

  10. Lona1 says:

    Thse people need a life, or some good and hardy street drugs….lol

  11. niecey456 says:

    😆 Lona, Spacely was joking. Although, his letter does kind of strike some similarities in the actual letters.
    I’m sure some may genuinely feel that way, but some are sympathizing with her position because they are in prison and some because they’ve lost a child. At any rate, I’m doubting they’ve read the docs, but just choose to believe in her. They have a right to do so. Some of them are a bit disturbing.

  12. Ideas says:

    spacely, Again you put the truth in perspective. Perhaps Mason or Baez can explain your wonderment concerning KC’s penal abilities and past familial manipulation and accomplishments.

    Perhaps only one with such a clean, clear conscience can suffer for 2 years like a martyr for the supposed true fiend who could be out there killing again and again.


    But just think, spacely, if you had special, unconditionally overly-“loving” parents who would do anything and sometimes nothing to allow your personality “gifts” to blossom, you too may be on par with said KC. Yes, you too could be mother of the year.

    Alas, we are all left to wonder.

    But isn’t it nice to know, that even with KC’s suffering, she finds a peace knowing that her Caylee is free from this world and its predicaments? I mean, we should all be praising her for thinking of her daughter’s eternal happiness first above and beyond her own personal cost, the life of a prison celebrity.

  13. scott says:

    have to go to WS and check the hearing time and then see how much time i can devote to the doc dump.

    bb in a few

  14. Spacely says:

    Wow, I opened up the first link and the very first letter convinces me more than ever that George was way more connected to Caylee’s death and disposal than ever.

    Dated Nov 8, 2008 – about one month prior to Caylee’s remains being discovered spread across an acre of wooded lot near the Anthony’s house – George writes the following to KC:

    “Hope Spring Drive is so quiet without you.”

    Hope Spring Drive? Quiet? First, we all know Hope Spring Drive was anything but quiet during that time period. Second, why would George say “Hope Spring Drive” instead of “home”? Third, why the adjective of “quiet” instead of “lonely” or “empty”, as most people would write.

    If that sentence is not code for “They have not found Caylee in the woods down the street”, then it is the strangest sentence any father could write to his daughter in this situation.

    George then writes:

    “When you get a chance, just look up when you go outside and remember how Caylee loved the moon, the stars, and the sky and say a prayer.”

    George made nearly that exact statement multiple times to the press when talking about Caylee being missing during this exact period. I have looked for the past couple of weeks for that quote, but am no longer able to locate it, but I so clearly remember the articles.

    I believe this to be part of George’s rationalization for dumping Caylee’s body in the woods. It’s all OK because she loved the moon and stars and sky.

    I am SO convinced that George was in on at least the disposal.

  15. niecey456 says:

    Hey Ideas! I think Spacely did put some of that into perspective.
    You do make a point that we are all subject in the right conditions to go the wrong way. With that said, while I do think the family dynamics played a role in Casey’s behavior, I do not think her family life is solely to blame. We all have to decide if we will take the right path or the wrong path, and the longer a person is on the wrong path, the more deceived they become. I do believe Casey knows right from wrong.
    I don’t think I can praise Casey for choosing to send Caylee to her eternal life before her time. Caylee did have a right to make her choices and live her life.

  16. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Scott!

    Wow Spacely! Great points!!! I hadn’t thought of that. I did find the letter a bit strange, but then George is a bit strange. Great Observations! I remember him speaking of that (moon and stars). I also remember wondering why he didn’t smell the smell when she gave him the gas cans, because the trunk should have already smelled. Interesting…………..

  17. scott says:

    ok jaycee’s hearing isnt till 4 eastern.

    so i have plenty of time to read from the doc dump…

    btw the prosecutor in jacyee’s case fired back at jaycee’s bio dad saying he’s probably out for money and insinuating himself where he isnt wanted is no better then what garrido did to jayceee

  18. niecey456 says:

    Thanks Scott!

    This one is really large, so there is a lot of reading.

  19. scott says:

    some letters telling her to accept jesus into her life.

    jesus didnt think kindly of people who hurt children if i recall

  20. scott says:

    someone from kentucky ‘first you are beatiful’ (where is the vomit icon?) there are plently of things to do in nashville, would love to take you ethere with me (definently a groupie).

  21. scott says:

    some guy hits on csaey and then says if she’s not intrested then pass it on to someone who is.

    seriously these people are just as fucked up as casey

  22. mikka says:

    hi friends,
    was very busy the last weeks,missed you all!!!

    niecey,love your new site! 🙂


  23. niecey456 says:

    True Scott, but there are prison ministries and he will forgive. They are not wrong for ministering to her.

    I agree with the beautiful thing. I don’t understand criminal groupies.

  24. mikka says:

    george makes me sick!

    In March 2009, Anthony’s father, George Anthony, penned a letter to his daughter, begging to visit her in jail.

    “It has been too long to not hear your voice call me ‘Papa Joe/Dad.’ I need to hear that from you no matter what. Please let Papa Joe come to visit. You are the boss. You can make it happen. So what if the media gets some of it. It will be just you and I — and the conversation is under your control,” George Anthony wrote.

  25. scott says:

    another one thinks due to her fake seizure she’s linda blair in the exorcist

  26. niecey456 says:

    That is sick Scott. It takes all kinds.

    Hey Mikka! We’ve missed you! I’m glad to have you back.
    Thanks. 🙂

  27. niecey456 says:

    Mikka, His letters are weird. Spacely pointed out some oddities about them earlier.

    Very interesting Scott. Some folks believe all kinds of sicknesses are demon possession. I don’t think sickness is of God, and I do think it is an attack from the devil, but possession is stretching it. Sometimes sickness is caused by environment, injuries, and genetics too.

    I do think some of these pen pals do need help themselves. 😦

  28. scott says:

    wow someone who claims he helped serach for caylee wrote her.

    i bet baez saved that one

  29. scott says:

    heh here’s one i like

    ‘throw her in the woods and let her be chewed on by animals. caylee was not a piece of trash, but you are!”


  30. scott says:

    heh someone said she should marry vanderloot 18 months ago. there perfect for each other lol

  31. scott says:

    george wrote her a letter march 25th this year asking her ‘why are you trying to destroy this family? in regards to the molestation accusations.

    2 things. first, george acting far diffrent then cindy claiming the inmate set casey up.

    2nd, i think she pretty much destroyed your family when she murdered your grandaughter dumbass

  32. Carol says:

    OMG People! I almost can’t take reading anymore, getting sick. Maybe if I stuck some forks in my eyes, it would feel better. Where do these freaks get off with the not guilty crap?! If any of them get on the jury, I’m coming down.
    Could someone please chloroform me until the trial starts?
    I have to shut this off and make dinner for my husband – what’s his name. I vaguely remember his face. I’ll get out a wedding picture. Have a good weekend.

  33. Carol says:

    Scott, you’re on a roll buddy! LOL!!

  34. scott says:

    some delusional crap from george and cindy wanter casey to renew her drivers liscense (for what purpose?) and talking about andrea lyons getting her into law school when she gets out.

  35. scott says:


    cindy lent me some

  36. Carol says:

    Scott; OH, HA, HA, HA!!! Are they insane in the membrain or what?!!!

  37. scott says:

    carol if casey ever gets out, the cars will be flying by then lol

    and casey is now a convicted felon, so even with an acquittal on the murder charge, she can never go to law school

  38. BEES KNEES says:

    mikka!! There you are! It’s very good to see you.

    George said something in his recent GMA interview that bugged me. He said he missed Caylee’s little eyes. I’m sure the remark was innocent enough ~ just like saying her little hands or her little feet BUT, in fact, Caylee had great big eyes and it would have been more accurate to say, I miss her great big soulful-looking eyes. Or, her great big brown eyes. It’s like he already can’t conjure up her face when thinking of her. Either because it’s too painful or because he doesn’t think about anything before he speaks? And maybe he’s told so many lies he can no longer speak honestly or rationally.

  39. scott says:

    cindy january 2010 ‘someone in new york is holding caylee’ oh brother

  40. Carol says:

    Scott, if Casey gets out pigs will be flying by then!! LOL!!

  41. Carol says:

    Casey’s Law School –
    How not to get caught. #101
    How to lie through every tooth and still smile, even if it’s chipped. #102
    How to smoosh your lawyer into thinking you look good in prison garb. #103
    How to destroy every person in your little universe and come out on top. #104
    How to kill, maime, murder and poison with household products. #105
    What not to say to your fellow prisoners. #106.

  42. scott says:

    he ha carol. how about

    108 how to make friends and influence crazy people’ after this crap today lol

  43. niecey456 says:

    😯 This is what my eyes look like, even though I’ve taken breaks to do laundry and eat lunch and a few other things, this is still a lot to read. This has got to be one of the most bizarre doc dumps I’ve ever read. 🙄

  44. Carol says:

    Niecey; I volunteered Mikka to read everything and give us all the high lights. Save your eyeballs! Take a break from the madness! The Ants are giving us the CEV syndrome of the eye balls.
    Scott, due to my brain fry melt down, I can’t even think of anything funny anymore. Sorry dude.
    I do believe it’s cocktail time. Yup.

  45. niecey456 says:

    😆 Good idea Carol! 😆

  46. scott says:

    getting no live updates on the jaycee hearing. might have to report later tonight.

  47. Lona1 says:

    Carol you wrote,

    Could someone please chloroform me until the trial starts?
    I have to shut this off and make dinner for my husband – what’s his name. I vaguely remember his face. I’ll get out a wedding picture. Have a good weekend.

    😆 😆


  48. BEES KNEES says:

    My eyes!!!

  49. Linda From NewYork says:

    OYE VEY!!!!

    Nice new digs, Niecey!

  50. Linda From NewYork says:

    My eyes too!!!!

    I think I need a break already!

  51. BEES KNEES says:

    Lona, what did you scream at? There’s so much to choose from! LOL!

  52. Carol says:

    Lona; yes we are all dropping like flys now, it’s too much for normal people. Sitting in a dark room with a cold one is good therapy for me right now.
    Hi Bees! Yup, I feel ya. I’m wondering if I should just add the Visine to my drink and see if it works from the inside out?

  53. Linda From NewYork says:

    Hmmm. check out page 15103, letter from George. apparantly regarding the sexual abuse stuff…

    I am trying to stop reading, but I can’t !!! LOL! HELP!

  54. Carol says:

    With that whole stellar family, physch books will have to be rewritten to explain the world’s strangest family in history.
    George Marie is a total horses’s a** and Chomp, his lovely wife is what was dropped behind.

  55. Linda From New York says:

    Hi Niecey. Very weird. I made a couple of comments that were in moderation while not signed into wordpress. Then signed in wordpress and don;t see those comments…

    Anyway, like your new digs.

    Yes, my eyes are killing me too, I want to stop reading, but can’t!!!!!

    Check out pag 15103. Letter from George apparently after the sexual abuse thing came out in Casey’s Jailhouse Letters. Very interesting…

  56. Linda From New York says:

    Spacely, very funny!

    My G-d, I am jumping all over the place. Well, gor nothing much planned for tonight or the weekend, so 5,000 pages should keep me very busy.

  57. BEES KNEES says:

    Hi Carol! Linda, my eyes are starting to tear up! I know. I’m skipping around, too ~ no logic just popping in and out of different files. I have to organize myself.

  58. LindaNewYork says:

    Carol, when they re-write the psych books there will be a chapter called “Anthony-Speak”. LOL!

  59. BEES KNEES says:

    Thanks. Gone to check out 15103. BBIAB.

  60. art tart says:

    My head is about to explode! I don’t know where to start but I can’t wait. I wanted to read everyone’s thoughts thus far on what they read and their comments. They were all interesting.

    Remember when Baez was playing MAILMAN & got in trouble? Conway said CA/GA would sent their letters to the JAIL so BAEZ couldn’t read them!!! KARMA! WELL! Wonder what they think about their letters being released to the public? Baez got reprimanded & had to stop transporting the letters. BOY! Those are the letters we really want to read! I am CONVINCED this is how D Casey got his INSTRUCTIONS & possibly a drawn map to look for Caylee’s remains, VIA Mailman Baez.

    Niecey, I want to start reading the MOST current letters first, do you have any suggestios where I would start? LindaNY has given me a heads up about page 15103. I have started on Rick Pleasa’s but I am curious about GA now & am skipping over to him. LOTS to read.


  61. art tart says:

    BEES KNEES, I am looking for that same page, do you have a link to the page? thanks

  62. BEES KNEES says:

    Linda, can you tell me where to find page 15103? THX!

  63. niecey456 says:

    Hello Everyone! Hubby came home and said you want me to go grocery shopping with you, and I jumped at it, came home ate dinner we bought out. I’m refreshed. I needed the break. I don’t know what it is, but these letters made me very happy to go grocery shopping. I think my eyes needed a break, and my mind from the madness.

    Hey Linda FNY! I was off for a while I just rescued your comments from moderation. Sorry. 😳
    Thanks, I have been redecorating.
    I wish I could help with that page number but I have been following it by PDF page number.

    Art Tart, Do George’s. Their short. The slide show shots of the letters, and the interviews. I’ve read George’s, seen the slide show shots, and I’m not even through the first batch, but I’m about to do the interviews. WARNING: LETTERS ARE SICKENING.
    Most of them anyway, there are a few good ones so far, but only a few.

    Bees, I really wish I could help ya’ll on the page number, but I can’t. I will keep my eyes open for it though. My eyes are still like this 😯 even though I took a break.

    Lona, Dear, are they getting to you? You might need to do like Carol and sit in a dark room for a little while. Maybe some cool compresses. It’s bad when grocery shopping was a nice break. 😆

    Thanks Scott!

    Carol, Are you okay? 😆 I don’t think Visine works taken internally. Maybe some cool compresses? You didn’t drink the Visine? Did you???

  64. niecey456 says:

    I think we ran Mikka away by electing her to read.

    Wonder if Mystery is reading all of this?

  65. Lona1 says:

    yep, Niecey, it is bad! 🙂

    Wow, didn’t know we had that many lunatics around. Poor Casey, all those letters just want her to be on the outside that much more (sniff). That cold blooded killer will find her fate. Okay,m I’ll read more docs and listen to more of Mason’s interviews (known as crap), but when trial time comes, hell will open and swallow that skanky beotch in a heartbeat.

  66. Lona1 says:

    Cindy and George will be done once the trial takes place. They need their wings clipped. I am so sick of hearing about them giving interviews. The time it takes to get this case to trial is outrageous. Thanks god for the new judge. Now that Van Der Sloot has taken over most of the media blitz, Casey will fall to the waistside, especially if the defense files one stupid motiion after the other. Same in the Scott Peterson Case. Trial was postponed for 5-9 month and I stopped reading about it. Totally tuned it out. And, one day, there it was, one day, out of the blue, THE TRIAL!. That’s what we need. A TRIAL! Not media spin or stories and repeats.

  67. scott says:

    nothing really happened at the jaycee hearing today, apprentley. supposedly the garridos were granted two more delusional phone calls with each other.

    much more intresting is that i just found out jaycee’s bio dad was busted in 2004 for domestic violence against his family.

    i can see why her nor her family wants nothing to do with him.

  68. niecey456 says:

    I agree with you on that Lona. It is time for the spin and BS to stop. In fact it’s passed time. The trial should have already happened. It didn’t take this long to try the Oklahoma City Bombings, or even OJ. I didn’t realize there were so many that didn’t read the docs or know the evidence either. Either that, or they are just plain crazy. Ministering to her I can see, pleading for her to tell the truth, I can see, but the groupies are unbelievable.

  69. niecey456 says:

    Thanks for the update Scott. I wonder if they continue to let them talk to one another in hopes they will slip up?
    Interesting about bio dad.

  70. scott says:

    neicey i have wondered if they record the calls. if so i’d love to have them played publicly like our good friends the anthonys jailhouse visits. but i dont think they will.

    intresting the reasons they wanted the calls in the first place was so they could discuss ‘jaycee and the girls future’ lol a future that doesnt have them in it

  71. art tart says:

    Niecey, this is the PDF Link for the Letter in which GA confronts Caylee!

    WHY did you destroy our family?
    WHY did you destroy me, Lee, & Caylee Marie?

    First honest thing I have heard/read of GA’s in a long time. The Anthony’s better up their MEDS, this is just beginning on the hurl of insults they will receive in the Penalty Phase of the Trial.

    NAHHHHHHH! GA doesn’t have a JOB, he pissed!

  72. art tart says:

    I meant, CONFRONTS KC!

  73. Carol says:

    Hi Niecey and All. My sight is coming back in focus, bonus. Nope Niecey, didn’t drink the Visine, just kidding, as always.
    Bees, page 15103 is in section 301-400. The page numbers are hand written on the bottom right hand side. But you probably know that after looking at 3,000- 4,000 pages already today.
    I wonder what C & G are doing tonight? G is probably drunk and C is figuring out who to sue next. Ahhh, too bad.

  74. scott says:

    lol art he will deny he ever wrote that she destroyed caylee im sure

  75. art tart says:

    I had the LINK WRONG! This is the LINK for the CONFRONTATION in March 2010!

    Your right Scott, LOL, he will deny he wrote it!

  76. niecey456 says:

    Scott, The Garridos don’t realize that is a trap, even if the public cannot hear it until trial. They are allowing that not to be nice, but so they will get anything they can from them. 😉 All of those calls are recorded. Wonder if they will spill about any other victims they may have had?

    Thanks Art! Great minds think alike. I had just gone back to WFTV to find there was one more of George’s letters they itemized that I didn’t get, and they have done Cindy’s. I read that one and then I added it to the post. Thank You! I think that letter is very telling and it explains why George has not been at the hearings. Wonder if he’ll lie for her anymore? It’s different now that he knows she wants to destroy 2 more family members, not to mention her arrogance.

    I’m so glad Carol! 😆 I knew you really didn’t do that. 😆 Cindy is probably still in the land of delusion and George is mad as hell. I hope he continues on that path. He needs to stand up for Caylee and for what’s left of his family.

  77. art tart says:

    Niecey, my prediction is that if this trial takes place, Gas Can George, the weakest link may very well crack under the pressure.

    He is FURIOUS in his letter, I don’t blame him, he NOW sees KC even more clearly, I wouldn’t attend court either, but hey, I wouldn’t “spit on her brains if they were on fire,” just sayin……

  78. scott says:

    i really dont know if they have any other victims. why would garrido need to go out when he had jaycee at home? 😦

    maybe, and i mean maybe, illene misheloff a 13 year old kidnappped in the bay area a little less then 2 and a half years before jaycee. and i only say that cause no one saw her taken……so i cant rule him out or in one way or another

  79. scott says:

    yeah george and lee and other family might turn on casey but i still dont see them supporting caylee

  80. LindaNewYork says:

    Hi Niecey. I am going back and forth from BS blog where my wordpress name/account won’t go through (the moderator couldn’t figure out months ago as to why) So I comment there as LindaNewYork under my husbands e-mail (non wordpress) and then I may forget to sign into wordpress to post here. So I have two names (similar) and 2 e-mails. But they are bothe me. LOL!

    These “begging” letters from the family are unbelievable. If it wasn’t the Anthonys I would almost fell sorry. But, oh well, it IS the Anthonys and I don;t fell sorry.

    yeah, that letter from George after the sexual abuse allegation from Casey is something else!!

  81. niecey456 says:

    I completely agree Art. I don’t blame him either.

    Scott, I still believe they are responsible for Michaela. I really do. He fit the description and a vehicle fitting the description was found in their backyard. She either died, or was sold. I believe they were involved in human trafficking on a small scale.
    I think George just may turn on her and if he does, that will be good for Justice For Caylee.

  82. niecey456 says:

    Hey Linda FNY! I did realize it was you. No problem.

    I know what you mean I had a really hard time reading them. I’m sure Casey was enjoying being begged. She’s such a witch!
    That letter was something and was very telling.

  83. LindaNewYork says:

    Well as art tart mentioned elewwhere, need to pack it in for tonight and start fresh tomorrow morning after a good night’s sleep and lotsa coffee.

    Good night to all.!

    Still need to cathc up on all the comments here!

  84. scott says:

    niecey like i said before.

    the palm print on michealas bike did NOT Match. and he only fits the description from the way he looked in 1976/77 at the time of the first rape, not what he looked like when he was released a few months earlier in 1988.

    maybe the garridos are involved in other cases but he did not take micheala, imo. the description actually fits better to someone named james devaggio who has ties to both the bay area and where jaycee was kidnapped ironically

  85. scott says:

    and i any car that is similiar could be considered a match

  86. scott says:

    ok i want to give a little example of how these cases can be lumped together once someone similar is brought to justice.

    in nov, 1997, devaggio and his girlfriend, michelle michaud, kidnapped a pleasonton california woman, raped tortured and murdered her. they used there van that they had used in several other kidnapping/rapes. they then dumped her body in south lake tahoe, about 5 miles from where jaycee had been kidnapped 6 and a half years earlier. when el dorodo county police finally caught up to and arrested them, they were in for a shock.

    michelle michaud was seemingly a dead ringer for the sketch carl had made of the woman who helped kidnap jaycee.

    when the photograph appeared in the s. lake tahoe paper(s) the genuine consensus was they had jaycee’s kidnappers (and if true, her killers obviously). terry probyn, jaycee’s mom, said to the press that her and carl agreed that they were very near a match. (they stopped short of saying it was her.)

    but some things didnt add up. due to michauds drug use, her appearence in 1997 was far diffrent then it was in 1991. and from all accounts, devaggio and michaud did not know each other in june 1991.

    but the rumors lingered for years.

  87. niecey456 says:

    Night Linda FNY……..Sleep well. 🙂

    I understand Scott, but I still think the men, the drug parties, the tents and the neighbor’s statement spells human trafficking. I understand what you are saying, but I don’t think Jaycee and the girls were the only victims. He may not be a killer, but he might as well be, Jaycee could have died from disease or child birth. What if others did? Even if it was in the hands of his drug buddies. The lady that defended him was mixed up with some shady characters. Her name, I’m forgetting at this point, but I checked out her myspace and those on her friend’s list, and they were very shady. She was a client of his or something. Go look at mine and Ostella’s research over at The Coffee Shop. It’s all there.

  88. niecey456 says:

    What’s not there, there is a link to the post where we researched. I gave it when I posted and we went at it for days and days.

  89. scott says:

    cheyanna molino niecey, and yes her and her hubby are shady characters…..and there is evidence they are all involved in somethign bigger then just jaycee. but no proof to it or obviously they’d all be behind bars.

    the thing is that neighborhood is a sanctuary for ever rapist, serial killer, drug dealer and pedo in the bay area.

    i have no idea how jaycee kept her sanity for 18 years.

  90. niecey456 says:

    Yeah that’s the one,actually Cheyvonne, and some of it reached outside the country. I’m amazed she kept her life. One of her pals (Cheyvonne’s) had frequently traveled to the country (Egypt) Michaela’s mom had a dream about where her daughter was. What’s even stranger is that there is a lot of young girls sold into slavery there. Americans even. I don’t think they are looking further into it, they have Jaycee’s captors and that’s it, they didn’t find the other girls or links to them on the property. Sooner or later someone will slip up.

    The Coffee Shop

    Start with Ostella’s Comment for Sept.9 2009.
    Follow up to the comment where I gave the following link on Sept. 13.

    Jaycee Dugard….Was She Abducted By A Serial Rapist / Killer?

    Then follow that link.

  91. niecey456 says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Lona, Thanks!!! I didn’t think they would let that sorry good for nothing off. He’s not getting out of it, no matter how he tries. I’m so glad that confession will stick. 😉

  92. niecey456 says:

    Okay, back to Caylee’s case………

  93. scott says:

    niecey molino actually joined websleuths at one point and did everything from call jaycee a liar to insuate that carl and terry let garrido kidnap jaycee. she is a sick, , disgusting excuse for a human being. and the police investigated her properties and also checked her puters for kiddie porn. and then she cried to the media that she wanted jaycee to ‘tell the truth’ about her. now mind you, she flip flops back and forth between claiming she never met jaycee to saying she knew her for years.

  94. niecey456 says:

    I know all about that. Read what we came up with. Seriously. It’s interesting. Just because they didn’t find anything on her, doesn’t mean she’s not guilty of anything. Let me know what you think after looking at all of it. We followed it closely at the time. Let me know over at The Coffee Shop. (That’s my off topic, and we have serious discussion going off topic here.) Really, I think you will find it interesting. You may even have something to add. Follow the info I gave you above.

  95. art tart says:

    I just completed Rick Pleasa’s interview w/Yuri & Nick Savage, if you read the infamous E-MAILS between CA & Rick, it was the very same, no new information.

    One thing I did find interesting was that Yuri told Rick he read Rick’s comments on a blog & that’s how they got in touch w/him.

    At the end of the interview, they thanked Rick & said he had provided the most insight into the family dynamics.

    OH! I thought this was funny. Yuri ask if CA suffered from the same characteristic as KC, LYING! LOL! Rick said that he thought CA was in denial, this was at the first of the case, BUT, sounded to me like LE/DETECTIVES/FBI knew CA was a LIAR from the beginning.


  96. scott says:

    art when you check out WS this weekend i got some good ones in on ‘doc dump more letters’ and ‘cindy and george letters to casey’ threads today 🙂

  97. niecey456 says:

    😆 Yeah, Art, I remember that one well. She hates us. It is an interesting point that LE realized her game from the beginning, but it was obvious.

  98. Carol says:

    Scott, buddy, stay the course, we love you.

  99. scott says:

    niecey i do have some comments….

    first alot of that was stuff i already knew.

    i have also visited sharon murch (micheala’s moms) blog and i really dont want to say anything cause i respect her so much, but i think she reaches for anything she can find, and not just in regards to that ‘dream.’ a couple of months ago someone tried to con her into thinking that michala was alive but refused to meet her. and she held out hope that it was true. i cant blame her, heck im sure jaycee’s mom went thru the same for years. micheala COULD even be alive. but when things dont make sense they probably arent true.

    do i think the molinos are guilty of stuff? heck i wouldnt be surprised if jim molino was the real serial killer, not garrido. one of the bodies was found impaled in his dump, afterall.

    a final comment you said something about jaycee was saying she was going to testify so ‘she must be talking to the media.’ that was incorrect. that was info she put forth thru her lawyer at the time. nitpicking i know 🙂

  100. scott says:

    awwwwwwwww thanks carol 🙂

  101. niecey456 says:

    Okay, I can appreciate that you have followed this more closely than we have. I didn’t necessarily mean Jaycee herself was doing interviews, I meant if they knew she said she was going to testify, then she or someone, most have spoken to them. I didn’t mean she was doing interviews.

    All I’m asking here, is that if you want to get into intense discussion on this case, then let’s move it to one of the Jaycee posts, or The Coffee Shop, because this post is about Caylee’s case. I don’t mind a little off topic, but this has been way too much off topic to keep it here.

  102. scott says:

    forgive me im slow 🙂

    i only intended originally to post about the hearing and it snowballed lol

    hold on while i subscribe to comments on one of the other things.

  103. niecey456 says:

    If you have enough info, I will post on it. As you can see from those links, I have and do follow the case. I’m not mad, just think it will be better. I always know where you comment. 😉

  104. Carol says:

    Earth to Scott. Can you hear me now? Pal, we are up to our wangs with today’s docs. Don’t ya wanna join us and make fun of this stuff instead?

  105. niecey456 says:

    😆 Carol! You are such a hoot!

  106. Carol says:

    Cindy writes to Casey that she is worried about her health. She tells her to get alot of calcium and sunshine and to excersize.
    Note to Cindy; she is in fricking jail, not a dorm room!! Where and how would she get any sunshine?! While she goes to court?! Stick her head out the car window?! I don’t think she can order a stair master from the commissary either!
    Wow, I think that’s a wrap for me for today. Don’t let the Ants bite. Use spray!

  107. niecey456 says:

    😆 I know and she was worried about the sores on her back. I can see that, but that has to do with lack of bath and too much junk. I know what you mean about that.
    Good idea.
    It’s a wrap for me too. I’m tired. Much to do tomorrow.
    Night Carol!

  108. eggtreenews says:

    Hi Niecey and all!

    Can anyone confirm what planet the Anthonys actually come from?

    😯 😯 😯 😯

    My fragile eyes… The horror… The horror…

    Carol, you crack me up to no end…. 😆

  109. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Mornin’Niecey and friends 😆
    Glad to see you Mikka…we were getting worried about you :mrgreen:
    Lona thanks for the van der Slug update…really glad the Judge has some sense.

    I have only read 300 pages starting with the WFTV Doc 1 [before GA & CA letters were segregated]…eyes = 😯 here are a few thoughts…

    1. I was very suprised that the addresses/phone numbers weren’t redacted to give the writers privacy.

    2. Obviously the prosecution needed to scrutinize ALL her incomming mail to make sure there was no evidence hidden within.

    3. Baez is sooooo busted…wonder if he will get more than a slap on the wrist for being the mailman?

    4. It appears to me that G & C do not tell each other what they write [they give duplicate information around the same dates…eg Penny the old cat dying [buried in one of Caylee’s hooded towels…grrrr and the info about Lee’s turtle Zim.]

    5. Methinks they both are feeding KC lots of bullchit about how active they are in their church and do not have time for the fraudation.

    6. Cindy’s writings shows her sadistic streak…it is almost as if she is rubbing KC’s nose in it with her inclusion of photos and description of the cruise.

    7. Gagged about both their descriptions of their tattoos…I still think they got them so that they could tell the jury it is the Anthony way of coping with loss…grrrrr!

    8. George really humbled himself with his pittiful begging and pleading to let KC see him [never once begged for Cindy.] Then we have his last “unfinished” letter of March 25th 2010 where he has obviously read her letters to Robyn which accuse Lee outright of sexual molestation and infer that George may have been doing it too. I wonder if that letter had more pages which may be exculpatory…hence we aren’t getting to see them…hmmmmm?

    9. I have yet to see anyone acknowledge a letter from KC…I suspect she hasn’t written to anyone who didn’t send money…even then I would be suprised if she even wrote to them.

    10. Cindy dropped off 7 shirts & 4 pairs of pants…Baez said she won’t wear the ruffled one. George keeps begging her to let him know how much she has left in her commissionary a/c…this tells me that KC has NOT written nor conveyed messages to them. This tells me that KC has made the decision not to allow contact…probably with the blessing of Baez & co…they are toooo scared that someone would let something drop.

    11. G & C were very carefull not to give any relevant information in their letters…maybe they didn’t trust Baez? Cindy calls Jesse Grund J Grizzel [did she think we would be fooled?] but mentions Johnny Nelson from Jacksonville in letter dated 18th November 2009…has anyone heard anything about him before?

    Okie dokie folks…my head hurts so I’ll pack it in and read some more tomorrow.

  110. niecey456 says:

    Hey Eggy! I know what you mean. I’m not sure if this mush isn’t harder to get through than the forensics. I think we understood them(the forensics) more?
    I’m not sure but it’s definitely a dysfunctional planet. Maybe that’s it? The planet Dysfunction?

    Morning Jill! Very good observations! I think that they are full of it about the church too. I also noticed they do seem excited to share with her all of their conquests (the tats, the cruise, Lee’s turtle), and they are rather overbearing about the tats. I noticed dear Bozo’s mailman days were exposed, in black and white. :mrgreen:
    I don’t think that Casey has answered anyone either. She seems to be as self absorbed as ever. Oh, well she had her jailhouse pals for a time.
    I did notice Cindy’s quest to implicate Jesse. I wonder how she would feel if someone were implicating her? For someone who is so repulsed by the bloggers, she sure does spread lies about folks. Isn’t that what she thinks the bloggers do?
    Night Jill……..Sleep well.

  111. art tart says:

    Jill, I enjoyed your observations, I read yesterday on one of the news sites that they called the Prosecutor’s Office to see if “any letters had been with held!” Of course the STATE couldn’t comment, but, jmo, I bet there were some letters with held by the STATE, of course, the Defense would have the letters with held also. We will know at trial!

    LOL! Your right too, Baez has probably instructed KC NOT to answer ANY letters for fear they will show up on ebay, not even to thank those stupid enough to send KC money.

  112. art tart says:

    Has anyone run across this information in the DOC DUMP?


    Included in the document release was information from a forensic etymologist. According to the release, the state has spent more than $20,000 on forensic entomology — the study of insects.

    I don’t even know where to start to find this report, but, I am going to look for it, if I find the report, I will post the PDF link, if anyone else finds it, will you please post PDF link? thankssssssss

  113. art tart says:

    Here is the link in answer to my question. IF anyone is interested,

    Here are some of the Costs the STATE has had to pay on KC’s case including the $20,000.00 for entomology report, imo, WE WILL HEAR about this again from the DEFENSE whining about money they need to spend & will point out KC is being mistreated because she can’t spend as much.

    imo, The Defense could have SPENT some of KC’s $275,000.00 + Lyon’s $50,000.00 on experts BUT Baez chose to keep KC’s money for his salary.

    Click to access 14775-15779_Part1.pdf

  114. niecey456 says:

    Interesting Info Art! Well, the way I see it, if the defense would have had their client tell the truth, it would not have cost. She could have avoided most of what this case cost, by simply telling the truth. Let’s hope when JP hears the whining, if there are more motions on this subject, that he reminds them of that fact. Her lies cost all the tax paying citizens quite a bit.

  115. art tart says:

    Niecey, the longer this drags out, the more convinced I am that there will not be a trial. IF Lyon’s begs for KC to take a plea of LWOP, she might ask the Anthony’s to help convince KC that is her best chance. You would think KC would want to PREVENT throwing her parent’s under the bus during the Penalty Phase when they will surely receive a beat down, KC will become aware from Lyon’s that the STATE knows how Caylee was murdered & will prove it in court, but she is so self absorbed, she may demand to roll the dice & do what she wants.

    Niecey, you make a good point, I didn’t think of ALL THE MAN HOURS Detectives/LE/FBI invested to find little Caylee, months they knew Caylee was just waiting to be found & her mother exposed. OUTRAGEOUS!

  116. niecey456 says:

    Art, I do think Lyon would advise that, and I would think Mason would too. Jose, will not have it, but Casey can override that. I don’t think Casey cares at all for her parents or anyone. All of these letters I’m reading encouraging her and giving her updates on how they receive letters that Caylee is alive and she’s been set up and Jesse is suspicious, Caylee was with Zanny, first in CA, and now in NY, and then Cindy’s rant about the pic of Caylee wearing that shirt that was found with her remains, saying she wanted to know who was holding Caylee, which we know was Casey. We have seen the whole pic. I’m not sure if she has enough people being real with her. Not hateful, just real. She’s being fed so much baloney, I don’t know if she will give it up. I used to think she would, and she did with the CF case, but I don’t think she’s ready to give up and take a lifetime in prison. It may not go to trial, but it has gone on far too long.

  117. art tart says:

    Hal Boedeker asks an interesting question.

    How many times was Caylee mentioned in 5,000 pages?!+Mail


    imo, the Anthony’s compound Caylee’s tragedy 10 fold by their behavior, living off her tragedy, & refusing to DEMAND JUSTICE for her.

  118. BEES KNEES says:

    Hi Eggy! It’s always nice to see you! How are you doing?

    Art, you are so right! The reason we’re here is Caylee ~ NOT Casey! Thanks for reminding me. And I think one of the main reasons is because there’s literally NO ONE from her family standing with Caylee! Incredulous, I know. Maybe, just maybe, Grandma P. and Uncle R. will, once the trial starts, but currently there’s no one and there’s never been anyone.

  119. BEES KNEES says:

    Jill, I like your thoughts. I like to think about Baez getting into trouble for being the mailman, but honestly I’m not sure he’ll be called on it or not.

    How about the hand-delivered Mother’s Day card from Cindy to Casey earlier this year? Why is OCSO bending/ignoring the Rules & Laws for Casey Anthony?? I would rather hear that they turned a blind eye to everyone behind their bars rather than know they only do it for Casey. Have you seen the video where Cindy gets the text message and rushes out of the courtroom to deliver the card? What is up with that? What are your thoughts on that?

  120. BEES KNEES says:

    “I read yesterday on one of the news sites that they called the Prosecutor’s Office to see if “any letters had been with held!” Of course the STATE couldn’t comment, but, jmo, I bet there were some letters with held by the STATE, of course, the Defense would have the letters with held also. We will know at trial!”

    That’s intersting isn’t it, art tart? Hmmmmmmm . . . I wonder if there was more to George’s “confrontational letter” that we didn’t get to see? I can’t remember if the page I saw had been signed or not. I’m going to go look at it again. My eyes will never be the same again after all this abuse! They were streaming by the time I stopped yesterday. LOL!

  121. Carol says:

    Hi Niecey, Bees, Art, my old friend Egg, and Jill. Where’s my buddy Scott?
    Just checking in doing a basic eye test check up for you all. Everyone good, Ok?
    Stay strong, stay safe, miss you and love you very much. YUCK! Where’s the puke icon?
    Spray for Ants! Kill ’em dead!

  122. BEES KNEES says:

    Awwww, Carol (mushy/mushy) xox!!!

    So, I checked and that one “confrontational” page from George to Casey actually did sound as though there could be another page or two that we didn’t get to see yet. There’s no signature or any type of closure on the page they’ve shown us.

    His last couple sentences:

    After all I have tried, sacrificed, continued
    to have you, My Daughter, Why???
    Continually coming to court, continually
    wanting to see you, Why???

  123. BEES KNEES says:

    maybe he finishes that thought with . . .

    Continually lying in your defense, Why???
    Continually saying you didn’t murder your daughter, Why??? . . .

  124. Carol says:

    Bees, the whining jerk was sobbing so dramatically that he actually forgot his manners to kiss off at the end. Again, YUCK! He didn’t want to drop any tears on the letter, so he ran off to blow his nose in Cindy’s apron. STELLLLAAAA!!!!!
    Here a WHY for him. Why didn’t he respond or deny or say that he wasn’t guilty of the sexual abuse allegations?!

  125. Carol says:

    Niecey, can we have some icons, please? I’ll help you come up with a list. I don’t know how to add them in here.

  126. Carol says:

    Bees, ya know I was surprised that there weren’t very many hate letters. I think they deleted alot of those. I think they listed alot of the love her, supporters so bozo doesn’t whine about everyone hating her and not getting a fair trial anywhere this side of the moon.
    I’m sure he’ll find something else to whine about when his headache wears off from these docs.

  127. BEES KNEES says:

    I hear you sister!

    I just came across this interesting statement analysis of George’s “Why???” letter to Casey. Have you read it?

  128. BEES KNEES says:

    I was real surprised, too, that so many people wrote to her. I’m thinking that some churches encouraged their congregation to write to her. I just don’t know what else to think!

  129. Carol says:

    Wow, thanks Bees for that link. I’m glad to see that the experts think he is nuts too.

  130. Carol says:

    Yew, Hew, anybody home? Well, that is definitely all the chicken scratch that I can stand reading. Don’t any of those people have a built in spell check in their brain cells? How ’bout sounding out the word that you are trying to write? I feel like I am in some kind of altered state or dropped some old hippie drugs. I facebooked some of the writers, way too much information for me! One guy, Bobby; “See I got some scars from a woman’s war. It’s from doing all them one night stands”. He’s into hunting and looking for missing kids. ( which one?) The one whole side of his page is vids and photos of Caylee. Scary! I hope the LE reads up on these guys and watches them closely. Have a good night all.

  131. BEES KNEES says:

    Did you come to Tracey’s letter to Casey?

    She says, “If you need anything from me, please don’t hesitate to ask. I promise I won’t share anything with ANYONE … I think you know what I mean. I really like you, Casey. You were wonderful to me and I admire your strength . . . ”

    Page Number 18569

    Click to access 24039043.pdf


    Also, have you read Annie Downings?!?

    Annie says,

    “I’m still standing behind you. I still have all of the faith in the world in you. (snip) I’m getting a tattoo for Caylee. I will send you a picture after it’s done. (snip) I love you endlessley! xoxoxo Annie”. She mentions that she and Sean moved in together, living on Lee Vista Blvd and gives the address.

    Set 2, Page 738

  132. BEES KNEES says:


  133. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Hey Bees 😆 thanks for the link to the Statement Analysis…worth reading. Yes I did see the Mother’s Day Card video and also that of CA texting…I was “num” when I saw it and can only conclude that there are many blind eyes in that courtroom. Makes me wonder if the State have decided not to go after Baez for his many misdemeanors including him now being “outed” in writing for being the “mailman.”

    My gut reaction after reading GA’s “why” letter was that we arn’t seeing the next page though after reading Seamus’s Statement Analysis I may have to rethink. GA may just have had sufficient self control not to write anything further whilst in such an angry frame of mind.

    Why didn’t the State reveal that GA is not Caylee’s bio-dad? [I don’t think for one minute that he is. The State reads the blogs just like the defense does…this could have been nipped in the bud over a year ago…why didn’t they?]

    Sometime last year I read an article with a picture of GA’s brother in which the writer appeared convinced that he was the father of KC [implying that CA had an affair with GA’s brother.] If this was the case then the DNA would be slightly different. I put this in the too hard box at the time but it is still there niggling every now and again.

    Does anyone else remember Brad Conway making a statement [after the Cookie/Muffin letters were released.] It was something to the effect that “all is now well between KC & her parents.” This struck me as strange when I heard it. I think it was at the next hearing after this that the Mother’s Day Card was exchanged…hmmmmmmmmmm.

    Still wading through the letters…can only stomach a few at a time…eyes = 😯 but I am totally convinced that KC has written to no-one. Also convinced that both GA & CA are fully aware that KC did the deed but are trying to save their own skins with their support of her…nothing to do with “de nile.”

    I choose not to mention their 👿 names which make me gag…hence the use of initials.


  134. art tart says:

    Hal Bodeker Stated:

    Caylee Anthony and the fee issue: ABC’s Chris Cuomo says, ‘There’s almost always a price tag attached’

    Isn’t it Always about the $$$$$ & NOT about JUSTICE for CAYLEE?

  135. Spacely says:

    Is it just me or are G’s letters more like those of a jilted lover to his ex than from a father to his daughter?

    And I am wondering if you think:

    1) CnG knew letters sent to KC through the mail could be made public? Seems reasonable they did because they were sending stuff through Jose as well. Knowing how G has always felt about Jose, I can’t imagine he would voluntarily use Jose as a mailman unless Jose had performed a song-n-dance routine to convince them to only use him so none of the poor family dynamics or info reached the public or courtroom.

    2) Do you think C knew G was writing letters to KC? I am thinking no. I am thinking G may again be contemplating ending it all after the chewing out he must have gotten after this release.

  136. Spacely says:

    I liked the document analysis of G’s really weird “they finally asked me about sexually abusing you and I didn’t tell them, but why are you dragging Lee into it?” letter.

    I feel the most important aspects of that letter are that G refused to answer the attorneys’ questions about KC’s allegations by remaining ‘mum’ – if anything he says can be believed – and that KC already ‘knows’ what he is talking about.

    Why would KC automatically know what he is writing about? If you look at it from her angle, she wrote this stuff months before. G’s meeting with the attorneys took place more than a month prior to the documents being released to the public (which gives you at least some indication of the amount of time the defense has to review documents prior to their being filed with the clerk). More than a month prior. From a quick trip back through Niecey’s postings, I don’t think the public even knew there were letters until about March 10 – after G wrote to KC.

    In fact, this time period was dominated by what now seems to positively have been defense manufactured “news” of G’s affair with River Cruz. Exactly at the same time… as if produced to cover up the letter story…

    So, assuming KC is following the news on her own case via her cell radio and her TV time, she would have been more focused on the River story (so the “you know what we talked about” line would seem to refer to that affair). Unless her attorneys told her prior they were going to meet with G, but I find that unlikely for a variety of reasons, the big one being her attorneys don’t visit her very often. Looks like this could be a research project to match up visit times during this period with the “breaking” of the River story and the letters.

    And, of course, our assumption that he is in fact referring to sexual abuse in the letter could be mistaken. Do we know for sure that all of her jailhouse letters were released? Remember how smug Jose was when asked if the release of the letters would harm his client and he assured us that no, they only showed her as a pitiful wreck caused by her incarceration? Could that be because the defense withheld the really damning letters, which are perhaps about her role in Caylee’s death or allegations that it was G and that is the “two” questions they asked him? G, thanks for meeting with Mason and me today, can we really pin this on you? Because we will…

  137. Spacely says:

    In reading the interview transcript of Debbie Polisano, one of C’s oft-repeated comments jumped into my mind.

    C has often been asked why she did not call the police to start the search for Caylee prior to the 31st day, as it seems a normal person would have become concerned after more than a few. C has always stated that she had no fear for her granddaughter’s safety because she was with her mother. I seem to remember her stating concerns for Caylee’s safety never even occured to her.

    Yet, her employment supervisor states that more than one person in the office told C that KC’s behavior was strange and that she should demand to talk to the child. Obviously, the undercurrent of ‘strange’ coupled with a complete severance of communication with Caylee was that Caylee was in danger. It’s not said in those exact words, but I cannot escape that implication of the warning C received from her co-workers.

    But, it never occurred to her… in 31 days… even though others pointed it out to her…

    Just more evidence of C’s lies.

  138. Spacely says:

    Still on Debbie’s interview –

    C’s first concern when hearing from G about the finding of the abandoned car (after swearing at him loudly in front of her entire office staff) is the money that will be spent to get the car out of the tow yard.

    Your daughter and granddaughter have been absent for multiple weeks. You have not heard from your granddaughter in that entire amount of time. Your co-workers are concerned for her safety from the stories you have told them. The car you believed they were driving has been in the tow yard for a week or more.

    But your first concern is money.

    And now your granddaughter has been found murdered, your daughter is locked away with little chance of ever being freed again, and your primary concern is still money.

  139. scott says:

    dont forget about the car niecey!

    the car being stolen was more imortant to her then the fact caylee’s dead body had been in it……

    we know where casey gets her matarialisim from huh?

  140. Spacely says:

    Last thoughts about Debbie’s interview –

    C comes back to work after finding virtually of all Caylee’s worldly belongings and a horrible smell in the car. C refuses to leave work, even though all her co-workers immediately fear the worst based only upon their extremely limited knowledge of the events, all of which comes from C. So, C knows even more, but is not as concerned for Caylee as her co-workers.

    C finally leaves, events transpire that we are all now very familiar with, C freaks and calls Debbie. C tells Debbie her fear that Caylee is dead. Debbie fears the same to the extent they both are crying on the phone even though Debbie is in the middle of a date. Debbie’s date, completely removed from the events and with perhaps the sparesest knowledge of all involved that night, immediately questions why C would fear Caylee is dead.

    So, on the very night the police are called, C is already most of the way down the path that Caylee is dead. C, who has more info than anyone other than KC at this point, puts all the info together and comes to the conclusion Caylee is dead. She believes this with all her heart and demonstrates that by telling it that very night to a non-relative by manifesting her fear in a verbal form hoping Debbie will tell her it is impossible.

    C’s demeanor changes rapidly so that by the next day, she is already trying to convince the press that Caylee is alive.

  141. Carol says:

    G M All. Jill, could you be a peach and try to find the page # of the vids and C texting? I’ll send you flowers.
    Bees, Tracy is a disgusting skank that jumped the fence. Annie thinks she is famous now too. Didn’t she give an interview to N E and got paid?
    Spacely, you are as right as rain – again.
    Hi Art, do you have to subscribe to open that link?
    Hi Niecey, how are you? And my buddy Scott is back, hi.

  142. niecey456 says:

    Hello Everyone! I hope you are all well. Do we all still have good eyesight and strong stomachs after much of this reading? :mrgreen:

    You all have given such great input. I’m still reading, as I’m sure many of you are. I have some observations on this one too, trying to get a little further, and then I will post on it. I can tell you this much………..I think many of these people (especially C&G) knew these letters would be made public. They knew these letters were not for Casey’s eyes only.

    Art, Your last link did not come through. So here it is:
    Thanks for sharing all the links, a wealth of information,and ideas.

    Hey Scott! I can’t forget the car. You and I agree it is a vital key piece of evidence and it speaks volumes.

    Carol, All I have at the moment is the smilies. I will look into adding icons soon. I also have to add those pages.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Bees, Jill, & Spacely, Wow! You three have some great ideas on these shenanigans (the letters, the hypocrisy, and the motivations), and there is not much I can say, yet. I think you have a good handle on it.

    Did any of you listen to this:–caylee-anthony–and-others
    It starts with another case, but once it moves on to Caylee’s case, the different takes on it are very interesting. I specifically find interesting Peter’s and Cobra’s take on it. Not saying I totally agree, but I find it interesting.

  143. Spacely says:

    ABC News continues to lie about paying for interviews:

    “But Cuomo added, evidently in reference to the Caylee Anthony case: “Some of the instances that you point out have definitely led to a change at ABC News now. There is not the kind of pocketbook reporting that was going on before in terms of how to get these bookings. I can tell you that.””

    “Kurtz started by asking about ABC News’ paying Melody Granadillo, the former girlfriend of Joran van der Sloot, for text messages and photos.”

    “Yet Cuomo made no apologies. “The business is what it is,” he said. “And to be competitive today, when something happens to someone who is considered a guest, there’s almost always a price tag attached.””

    Allow me to summarize: ABC News sent a rep to do an interview today with CNN during which the guy admits ABC just paid another van der Sloot related guest money (just like van der Sloot’s mom last week), says its all ok because the business is the business (in other words, money is the ultimate justification for all actions, good or bad, it’s only a sin if you don’t make a profit), then says ABC has changed its policies because of Caylee.

    One of those three statements is a lie. I will let you choose which one.

  144. niecey456 says:

    😆 No doubt Spacely! I found that contradictory as well. I really believe there is so much more to the media circus in Caylee’s case. I believe the media has lied their backsides off, period. I would just love it if somehow, some way, someone could get the truth on all of that. I would just love to know the truth.

    Did you listen to the BNN show I gave the link to? I found it interesting what Cobra kept maintaining about the really wealthy person funding things, and how he and Peter maintain that Baez will lose his law license, but it won’t matter, because he’s set somehow. Very interesting indeed.

    There is so much more to the money trail. I really hope and pray it’s revealed.

  145. Spacely says:

    “In one letter, dated Jan. 31, 2010, Cindy Anthony says she believes Casey is being framed for the murder of her daughter and that she’s working desperately to prove it.

    She also says she got a call that Caylee was alive and living in Manhattan or the Bronx with Zanni the babysitter. Cindy said “he” was checking on that tip, but doesn’t say who “he” is.”

    Would you have a memorial service for a family member if you were not convinced they were dead?

    Would you accept possession of the human remains of a person you did not believe was your relative or the person the authorities represent them to be?

    Would you be fighting to retain possession of a house that you already saved nearly two year’s worth of mortgage payments by not paying your loan that is in a neighborhood where you not only lost your own granddaughter, but an unknown little girl was murdered and dumped in the woods?

    Would you have allowed your attorney to hold a press conference about evidence released in the case against your daughter concerning duct tape, position, etc, and NOT mention the body it was attached to was not your granddaughter, but the unknown victim of an unknown crime?

    Was the unknown girl the same unknown body that was in the trunk of the your car?

  146. Spacely says:


    I have not yet listened to that radio show, but I will have to make some time as I, too, believe that at least at the beginning, there was big money being funneled from an unknown source through Jose.

  147. scott says:

    the lack of ethics is disturbing but not shocking. anything to get the story right? sell little caylee down the river and pay for her muderers defense if you have to? no problem!

    i was also disgusted with the way that merideth viera asked kyron horman’s bio mom a very pointed question last friday, basically asking her whether she thought he was dead. what?????? how dare she? these are the same people that sit there and ask the anthony’s cupcake questions and kiss there ass for interviews.

    when jaycee was found, at least a third of the stories didnt focus around ‘oh my god what a miracle’ or ‘how brave and strong was she to survive all this time for her girls.’ but ‘why the hell didnt the idiot run?’ they would drag up people like the molinos or garridos printing buisness partners who would sit there and make excuses for garrido and blame jaycee for never alerting anyone, nevermind the tumolut that was obviously going thru jaycee.

    if this keeps up i may never watch the news again 😦

    btw spacely, wonder if its padilla she is referring to?

  148. niecey456 says:

    I agree Spacely, that Cindy never made any sense. She still doesn’t. Her letters don’t show any different. I wonder sometimes if that isn’t on purpose, or if in her own way she is fishing with Casey, and everyone else. Fishing for answers, yet only wanting to believe what she picks and chooses. I don’t believe she’s all together mentally stable.

    That radio show addresses a lot of different issues in regards to the latest document dump. While I many not all together agree with the ideas, I found it interesting what they have to say. Cobra worked for Richard Grund and was asked by Richard Grund to step into Haleigh’s case to find her, so he really was on Caylee’s case to start with. Very interesting what he has to say, yet maintaining he can’t fully run his mouth.

  149. niecey456 says:

    I totally agree about the media Scott. They are really blowing it on all of these cases. And for what? Greed? It’s not fair how they set the stage to be overly fair in one case, and completely unfair in another. It’s as if they choose the way they want to portray a matter. We know they do it on politics as well, so I guess criminal cases shouldn’t be any different. What a sad statement for the media. It is hard to watch the news sometimes, because it’s so slanted most of the time. News has become tabloid on so many levels.

  150. scott says:

    i think what disgusts me most, niecey, is this is the kind of tabloid journalisim you’d expect from the enquirer, globe, sun or examiner, not from the 3 major networks (4 if you include fox).

  151. niecey456 says:

    I know what you mean. I wonder if they realize that to slant is to lie? How about the truth??? But then I guess they pay for the news so they can justify slanting it. I’m thinking that they think the truth doesn’t sell.

    Now to be fair, there are some honest people in the media. Sadly there are not as many as there are of the dishonest ones.

  152. scott says:

    i miss peter jennings. i grew up with him. from his reports on challenger to the gulf war to oj to 911. quiet, understated, unassuming, unbiased yet honest maybe it was cause he was born canadian lol.

    there arent many left like him.

  153. Carol says:

    Hi Scott. How are you? He just retired didn’t he? He didn’t die did he?
    Ok, Niecey, one more request. Can you bookmark the last comment? So that we don’t have to hit end and then scroll back up? I guess I’m getting lazy or something. I think my page down button wore off on these last docs. I think my thumb did too. Ha!

  154. niecey456 says:

    Scott, He was pretty good, until toward the end, when he did get rather agenda driven. He did a horrible piece on Jesus, and he lost me right there. He was very biased.
    But Walter Cronkite was good for many years, and then toward the end of his career he got very slanted. I admired his earlier work, but he was very slanted before all was said and done.

    Carol, You can subscribe to the feed on the comments. I’ve never done it, but Scott has.

    Scott, Will you help Carol to subscribe to the comment feed?

  155. Carol says:

    Hi Niecey, Oh, I’ve done that every comment so I get an email of new posts. I want to know what is happening and what’s new. I’m talking about when I open your link that it goes to the last comment posted instead of scrolling around. It should be the sliding side bar thing on the front page. That’s Ok if you can’t, I’m just getting lazy I guess.

  156. niecey456 says:

    Okay, I was thinking you wanted to be alerted to the latest comments. The only thing I can think is to reverse the order of the comments. I’ll have to see if I can try that, rather than have a comment cut off. I’ll see what I can do. There are settings for them. I’ll check on it. BRB.

  157. niecey456 says:

    Okay Carol, I reversed the order. Newer comments at the top. We will see if that works better.

  158. Carol says:

    Wow, thanks Niecey! Take a vote on the rest of the panel and see what flys. Your are a peach!

  159. niecey456 says:

    You’re welcome Carol. I’m sure they’ll weigh in. 😉 I hope this helps your hand.

  160. Carol says:

    That fricking ROCKS Niecey!! Come on people, need a vote to weigh in on the new set up. I like it! (smiley face)

  161. scott says:

    works for me 😉

  162. niecey456 says:

    I think I like it too. I asked what everyone thought at the end of the new post.

    Thanks Carol and Scott.

    Carol, Here is the link to the smilies icons. I do have the link in my blogroll under smilies:
    Didn’t know if you knew the codes. I keep that link in the blogroll, so that everyone can reference it.

Comments are closed.