New Year’s Resolutions, What’s Yours???

It’s that time again. Time to promise that you are going to change things about yourself and the things around you. It’s a proven fact that most people give up after a very short time. I think that is because they want to change too much at a time. Don’t we all??? We are a quick fix sort of people and it is hard for us to find the patience, to see things through. Maybe if we focus on one or two very important things rather than 1/2 dozen or more, we might be a little more successful. I have decided that I want to be more organized around my house and spend more time in my gardens. That’s two I can prayerfully and diligently achieve. What are yours???

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5 Responses to New Year’s Resolutions, What’s Yours???

  1. motherclucker says:

    Find a Pre-School for Susie, and become gainfully employed again! Wheeeeee!

  2. niecey456 says:

    It’s gonna happen too! Yaaaaaaaaay!!! I’m already searching through the gardening catalogs and taking down the Christmas stuff and going through it. We Will Succeed!!!

  3. motherclucker says:

    G-o-o-o-o Team! Yeah!

  4. Starlie says:

    exercise more eat less ha ha
    be more organized at home
    stay at home with my 16 month old I want her safe and with me

  5. niecey456 says:

    You can do it Starlie!!! We are a winning team here!!!!! Enjoy that baby.

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