War On Terror/Terrorists/Terrorism/Politically Correct?

I just don’t understand what the issue is about calling a terrorist a terrorist, or terrorism, terrorism, the War On Terror, the War On Terror. It is what it is. What is the deal with this politically correct slant? Extremists, is the new politically correct term. WHY? I don’t know why so many people  have such a hard time calling something what it is. Who are they trying to impress, or not tick off? Here’s a hint:


I think maybe we need to look at the definition of terrorism:


Note this very important passage:

“Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.[1] At present, there is no internationally agreed definition of terrorism.[2][3] Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).”

Okay, so what does terror mean?


Note that Fear is the first entry and if you were to take that entry you find this within it:

“Fear can be described with different terms in relation to the degree of fear that is experienced. It varies from mild caution to extreme phobia and paranoia. Fear is related to a number of additional cognitive and emotional states including worry, anxiety, terror, horror, panic, and dread. Experiences of fear can remain long after exposure in the unconscious mind, where they may then manifest as nightmares, or, in an even stronger form, night terrors. Fear may also be experienced within a larger group or social network, and may be compounded by social influence and become mass hysteria.”

Terror and fear go hand in hand and by definition that means that a serial killer would be a terrorist. Anyone that strikes fear and terror in the hearts of people by definition would be a terrorist, so it’s not a political insult. We have domestic terrorists and terrorists that are religious extremists of foreign decent, who have the same motives as the domestic terrorists, with the exception of the fact that their mission is a bit broader, as they aim to bring a country down, not just terrorize and prey on a community. Still it’s the same evil that drives them.

So why won’t Obama call the shooter at Ft. Hood a terrorist? If one terrorizes people then they are a terrorist. PERIOD. Domestic of Foreign.

Now I must give him credit that he did address it as terrorism more so after the Christmas Day Air Attempt:

But prior to:

Now I must say that President Obama himself does seem to address terrorism more and more for what it is, but there are many that don’t. I have to say that while I haven’t agreed with very many of his policies, that that is the single thing that most of the hard left has a problem with in him is that he is more and more addressing the issue for what it is. Could it be that he’s seeing things he couldn’t possibly have seen prior to being President? I mean his stance on this was much different months ago.

I don’t understand this world of “Political Correctness”, as it’s just down right stupid. Everyone seems to be so worried about offending people that offend. Pardon me, but isn’t this bass ackwards??? Everyone is spending way too much time worrying about offending these offenders and yet, while we are so focused on that Congress is spending us into oblivion. I just think this is an issue that is a non issue and we should be worrying about all of the wasteful spending our Government is partaking in while they are destroying small business and the working class. HELLO! I don’t care if a terrorist is offended by me calling him a terrorist, and I don’t think that a Muslim that is not a terrorist cares either. In fact I’ve known a person of the Muslim faith that calls terrorists, terrorists. In fact I think Hitler was a terrorist, and I don’t think many people that see the truth for what it is would disagree with that. Ted Bundy was a terrorist. In fact there have been many terrorists in history that have claimed to be all kinds of faiths and even athiests, so the point?

So I propose in 2010 that we commit to worrying about fixing problems that really exist, instead of wasting time on things that are completely irrelevant. Just a suggestion. What do you think???

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17 Responses to War On Terror/Terrorists/Terrorism/Politically Correct?

  1. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Thankyou Niecey. This topic should be discussed world wide as due to the inability of English speaking nations to call a “spade a spade” many lives will be lost.

    Lets look at Iran.
    The majority of the people know that it is only a matter of time before Israel bombs their nuclear facilities. Currently they are rebelling with only their voices {they have no weapons} … Achmijinidad is killing them in the streets to maintain his power. They know that when the bombs fall they will be killed whilst their cowardly leader & his cohorts will hide in deep underground bunkers. Their lives must seem hopeless…I commend them for revolting. Perhaps they would feel that dying for freedom would have a purpose if they got the support of America who should be their strongest allies.

    Not going to happen…WHY?…because the “left” are too PC! [and currently control America.]

    Lets look at profiling.
    Basically we are at war with radical Muslim. Therefore we expect that most attacks will come from these people. It makes sense to scrutinize them greater than others.

    Not going to happen…WHY?…because the “left” are too PC! [and currently control America.]

    Lets look at Yemen.
    Gitmo has released many back to this Country. Now we see them leading Al Quaida cells. It doesn’t make sense to release any more to Yemen.

    Not going to happen…WHY?…because the “left”are too PC! [and currently control America.]

    Niecey I admire your faith in your Prezoprompter, sadly I continue to be unimpressed! I totally agree with your last paragraph…its time for him to get his priorities in order.

    Thanks for letting me rant

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  2. Spacely says:

    I think it has become clear that Obama does not have the leadership skills to lead us through this murky mess. He has absolutely zero experience in any executive role and has proven he is completely incapable of bringing two opposing sides together.

    The War Against Calling the War on Terror the War on Terror and Renamining It a Peaceful Sounding Media Friendly Name is a prime example. Who exactly did he please by renaming this war? Why waste the precious time on the name? It’s a sham to attempt to make everyone forget that he is continuing wars and policies designed by the Bush administration, right down to keeping the same Sec of Defense in place. Does anyone really think that any of our enemies now think we are friendly and don’t want to kill Bin Laden?

    Don’t get me wrong, I think continuing these policies and keeping Gates are the correct road. It’s just the political gaming around these issues that is wasteful and divisive.

    He promised to bring about an era of bipartisian cooperation and has begun with two gigantic spending bills that cripple us for the next decade and provide zero real benefit within the next two years that were rammed through the congress by one party with either zero or token turncoat support by the other party.

    He also has a major problem admitting that his administration has made any mistakes or is allowing security to fall apart on his watch. To me, it’s not just the recent Christmas plane attack, or the Holiday Dinner sneak-in by the fame seeking couple, or the Ft Hood killer, or his plans to release or continent-confine the Gitmo POW’s (not detainees as the liberal media has christened them). It’s all of it together. Plus his appointments to Homeland Security and other vital areas or his lack of appts to key positions. The man does not understand nation security. Period. He does not have the skills. He does not have the ability to recognize the people with the skills. He does not understand that national security CANNOT be compromised for political gains by his appointments. He does not recognize the danger he is in even when two nuts break into the White House when not only himself but many other prime targets are present.

    Does it take a genius to figure out that if two nobodys from the street can make it into the White House, a guy with an underwear bomb that could take out a couple of floors probably could too? Especially if we clear him through Customs to fly into one of our major cities? Even if he doesn’t bring luggage or even (and this should be a major threat signal in the future) a change of underwear?

    Don’t even get me started on his lack of economic and healthcare understanding…

  3. niecey456 says:

    Hey Jill! You’re welcome. I agree with you that many lives have been and will be lost over this issue.
    Honestly if we would have reached out to the people of Iran when this started I think the terrorist rogue leader would already have been a has been. The truth is this started quite a while ago. The people of Iran by and large don’t want him and his cronies as their leadership. He kills them, imprisons them and abuses them for their dissent, when in reality he didn’t win leadership fair and square. He’s a terrorist. I’m not sure why our Government is naive enough to think they can counsel with him and solve the problem. However, we are over stretched and we alone cannot do this, it takes the world to stand up on this one, just like with Russia taking over democracies that don’t agree with them, by force, and no one did anything. Yet Russia is supplying the materials to the terrorists to come against all free nations, and they have been for some time. We knew when we went to war after September 11, 2001, that it was going to lead to places we might not want to deal with. We knew it was going to be a long and hard fight. Our Government is not doing right on this issue.
    The whole Gitmo thing makes me angry. We should never give the terrorists our Constitutional rights and bring them to trial. They should be dealt with by the military.
    I’m not really that impressed with him, but in looking into the matter I saw that he’s not really the one behind much of this, or at least not openly. He seems to have made some changes in his opinions after becoming President and things began to happen. I think he’s realizing that his constituents were wrong, but I don’t think he knows what to do. The guy has no experience, and he’s taking a lot of heat from both sides. What he needs to do is stop listening to the radicals and do what he feels is best based on what the military reports to him. I disagree with almost everything he’s done, but I’m seeing him call a terrorist a terrorist more and more.
    I think you nailed down some very important points! Good Job!

  4. niecey456 says:

    Hey Spacely! Therein lies the problem. You nailed it. Inexperience, and not knowing how to bring the 2 sides together.
    I agree with you that it was very telling that he kept Gates, as I think it was a decision based on the fact that he knew that Bush had embarked on a War that had to happen and he knew that his cronies would botch up the job, but he needs to fire Holder and Clinton and some of the radicals that steer him wrong. That’s the problem I think is he’s designed a cabinet that conflicts with the mission. (besides his inexperience of course) I can’t believe our Government and our media has wasted so much time on the issue of renaming this war and the “enemy combatants”. We need to win the war and deal with our failing economy that he and his constituents are making worse.
    I’ve seen more partisanship in this administration than I’ve seen in a long time. I think that the Congress that did this behind locked doors mess without the other party on these bills should be brought up on charges. They didn’t listen to the people and they are not doing anything but what they want to do. They are not supposed to do that. I think they violate the Constitution. They are supposed to answer to the people. No he can’t admit to failure, but he won’t separate himself from partisanship with his looloo buddies either. The ones that caused the lapses you speak of with their Kumbaya sit around the campfire and love your enemies until they love you back mentality. (Children of the 1960’s that hated society as a whole.) Of course they don’t have that passion for the other side of the political spectrum, just criminals, terrorists and the like. The Lord gave the right to a nation’s Government to war and if the whole Bible was read through there is a time to war. Our prison system was started based on the Old Testament. Our whole system of Government by and large was based on the Old Testament, and Jesus said He didn’t come to change the law. Forgiving and loving your enemies does not mean allowing them to harm you, it’s for your own good that you do that. It’s so that you don’t become bitter. Jesus did get angry and he did throw people out of the temple and he did call some hypocrites and vipers.

  5. ostella says:

    Hiya Niecey and all!

    Great points raised in this article, Niecey! Jill and Spacely have already outlined them nicely, so I won’t reiterate. 🙂

    Suffice it to say, I think “political Correctness” is for suckers!!! 😆

  6. niecey456 says:

    Hey Ostella! I completely agree that “Political Correctness” is for suckers! 😆

  7. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Thankyou Niecey, Spacely and Ostella for understanding what I was trying to say…now that we are all in agreement we need to rally people together to shout out the truth.

    Reid and Pelosi are just thumbing their noses at everyone…basically stating that they have the power and they damn well are going to use it. They blatantly use bribary to make sure their schemes get passed…regardless of the fact that the huge majority of Americans disagree with them.

    I wish Pres Bush was still in power. He wouldn’t have pussyfooted for 3 months before giving only 3/4 of the troops…nor would he have announced a withdrawal date at the same time. Sheeesh…I cringed while watching his speech.

    Sadly the US Prezoprompter is in love with his power and the sound of his own voice, he doesn’t seem to care that the rest of the World now looks upon him as the silver-tongue that he is…just like we did with Clinton.

    I watched the hatred for Pres Bush escalate during his last 4 years in office…could you please tell me what caused this…I never did understand why….thanks.

    Looking forward to more discussion

    Hoppy Gnu Year to you all

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  8. motherclucker says:

    Hey everybody! Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year! I’m in agreement with Jill on the Bush issue, and terrorism. I think that these terrorists see our President for what he is, a big puppet pushover, and they are going to start boarding planes again, and coming out of the woodwork! So how many times did he say “unprecedented”, I forgot to count? LOL! I thought G Dubya was a good president! Terrorists were, at the least, afraid of him! Just ask Saddam Hussein, oh…wait a minute…you can’t because he’s DEAD! Thanks GW!

  9. motherclucker says:

    I just noticed my gravatar isn’t showing up. That silly orange thing is, and it seems to stay up at the top by where it says “My Account”. I can’t get rid of it, does anyone know how I can fix this? I have a pic uploaded for my gravatar, and that orange thing keeps showing up…HELP! LOL!

  10. niecey456 says:

    You’re welcome Jill. I have been doing some research on just what you are talking about over the past month or so and from what I see they are violating the Constitution, coming and going (Pelosi and Reid and their cohorts). I’m trying to tell folks. I’m going to do a post soon to bring the Constitution forward and point it out. I wrote my Congressman in opposition of the healthcare bill and while the Representative is Republican and was very receptive, we had a couple of Democratic Senators, Bill Nelson is one of them, but the one guy never answered. I know many that opposed in my same area and got the exact same feed back. Bill Nelson sent letters telling us that he appreciated our feedback, but was voting for it because he believes in it. That’s the problem, they don’t listen, they do what they want and that shows it to be just like you said. That alone is a violation of the Constitution when they don’t listen to the majority rule and do what they want. I know that Senator Bill Nelson got more opposition than support on this, as I’ve seen the poll numbers of opposition in my area, so he’s doing what he wants to. I predict he will not get re-elected.
    I agree with you about Obama. I don’t agree with most of what he says, or does. As far as GW, it was all partisan politics and was created to cause a Democratic win. He’s polling more popular than Obama right now, which is funny because before he left office he had some of the lowest numbers in history. I think people are realizing what GW had to deal with and the opposition is only proposing disaster. The smear campaign was created by some of the same looloos that gave him the votes for the war to start with and sang on the Nation’s Capital: God Bless America, right after 9/11, it was just political slander to win election. They gained absolute power and now they don’t even think they have to listen to the people.

  11. niecey456 says:

    Hey MC! On the gravatar issue, I hope this helps:
    They have a link on that thread that you can use to test your avatar. I would check your settings and make sure you didn’t change anything. Also make sure you didn’t delete the image you were using from your media file on your blog.

    I agree with you about the Prez and GW. I think Mr. O is a puppet for the radical sect of his party, sad to say, and the Copenhagen (Global Warming) crowd. There is a hidden agenda there. As I told Jill GW is now more popular than Obama in the polls. More people wish he was president now than are happy with Obama being president. Could it be that folks are waking up?

  12. niecey456 says:

    Thanks MC for asking about Christmas and New Years. We had a wonderful Christmas and MC I hope that you and your family had a very Merry Christmas as well. I also pray that you have a very Blessed and prosperous New Year.

  13. Jill from Western Australia says:

    Thanks for the GW explanation…I was sure he didn’t do anything radically wrong after 911. IIRC the left gained control of congress in 2006…then the downfall began.

    I look forward to hearing more about the constitutionality of the bribes…the sad thing is that they may be able to side-step the truth…this is becoming the “norm” of late.
    [Many months ago I stated that Guy Fawlks had the right idea…blow up parliament and start all over again.]

    Due to the attrocious TV programs during the holidays I decided to watch the Stepford Wives for the first time. What a load of drivel! In an endeavour to amuse myself I substitued Pelosi, Reid, Al Franken etc for the cast of characters…this worked…sad isn’t it. Is this the utopia that the left envisions for America?

    The Illinois corruption appears to be thriving whilst multiplying in your capital. Instead of the party in power using stand-over tactics to pass what THEY want there should be public referendums allowing the people to vote on contentious issues. Although this sounds a good idea I suspect voter fraud and vote fixing would take place. I am concerned that your upcoming census will be rigged [as usual.]

    From an outsiders point of view the best thing that happened in 2009 was the teaparties. I do hope that these continue as their voices were heard…need more numbers to attend.

    In Pelosi’s district [CA] there is a little fish called a Smelt…the protection of which has ruined the farming comunity. Does anyone know if this issue has been settled and what is the outcome? Thanks in advance.

    MC I hope you find your clucker avatar soon :mrgreen:

    Hugs ♥♥♥

  14. niecey456 says:

    I completely agree that the downfall began when the left gained control of Congress, as it wasn’t just that they were left, but radical hard left with socialistic agendas and to me it even caused a downward spiral in the Bush Administration, as he was so limited with the Congress he had to deal with. This Congress has proven to be the single worst Congress in history. I personally don’t know what the people that elected those radicals were thinking. We were not designed to be socialistic, but a Republic. If they want socialism I think they should move somewhere else. JMO. I see the people are angry, but I hope they remain in that mode and show it in elections, and I truly hope that ACORN has lost their ability to manipulate by the time elections roll around as well. I truly hope the Tea Party Movement grows.
    There is still a controversy over the Smelt and they still have not turned the water back on. I haven’t seen any resolution yet, but I’ve seen the issue is still at hand. Amazing…………

  15. Spacely says:

    Why is America listening to a daft Senator from San Francisco about fixing the ills of the nation when her own state can’t even pay the state employees?

    In other words, why do we believe a nut from a state currently suffering one of the greatest economic downfalls of American history would know how to make things better for the rest of us?

    Yes, I know that Pelosi is not personally involved in the woes of her state, but I think she represents the thinking that was also elected to her state govt and put them in their current mess.

  16. Spacely says:

    If you can’t protect the White House, what about my house?


  17. niecey456 says:

    Hey Spacely! I sooo agree about Pelosi. I’m amazed that she’s Speaker Of The House, and that she has any credibility after the Starkist issue. That was a dirty little economic deed too. It was also very corrupt and very discriminative.

    Wow! More uninvited guests…………It seems security is not of the utmost importance in this administration. I’m not surprised though. Just remember what they did to the CIA, then and Congress over the War On Terror? How can you expect intelligence to be good if you make criminals out of the source of the intel? I would say they’ve done this to themselves. Amazing………. Will they learn? An apology to the CIA?? Make it right? I’m not sure they will admit to the ill system they’ve created. If one bites the hand that feeds them, the hand will cease to feed.

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